With 2 Million KEEP Awarded, Month Two of Playing for Keeps is in the Books

Keep Network
Keep Network
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2020

Judge Spencer Noon’s top prizes went to contributions to the Dune dashboard among other submissions

The second month of Playing for Keeps has officially concluded, with 2,000,000 KEEP — double last month’s total — awarded to contributors by June’s judge, Spencer Noon of DTC.

This month’s top award, the Noon Prize, goes to Keep Discord user itzler#2708 for their key contributions to the Keep and tBTC Dune dashboard. The prize is awarded along with 200,000 KEEP.

Other First Prize winners included krispy#3698, vires-in-numeris#5324, ssh#4098, StateLayer#5254, experience#2376, and pantsme#2124, each of whom was awarded 150,000 KEEP. Seven Second Prize winners won 50,000 KEEP each. In total, over 100 contributors were awarded prizes of at least 5,000 KEEP.

“I was really impressed by the scope and quality of so many of the contributions I saw,” says Spencer. “Giving away 2 million KEEP was easy. In particular, I felt the work building the Dune dashboard added meaningfully to the development of Keep and tBTC.”

June saw continued strong engagement, with over 300 entries submitted overall. Keep those contributions coming!

July heats up

Playing for Keeps moves into July with our next judge. Once again this month, prizes up to 200,000 KEEP will be given for the work that adds the most value to the network in the most critical areas.

Playing for Keeps is a chance to learn to stake and win KEEP tokens by contributing to the community. Anyone can join in and start earning. As the first two months’ results show, our talented supporters are contributing in ways that make a real difference to the Keep Network and our expanding community. And we want anyone who makes a positive difference to the growth of Keep to flourish with the entire project.

We’re offering rewards that reflect the value of these contributions. And Playing for Keeps is a way to get involved in one of the most exciting blockchain projects currently underway at the ground floor. When you Play for Keeps, you can gain visibility and recognition in the space as key contributors to this exciting project.

How do you “Play for Keeps”?

Join our Discord: In order to qualify your submission for Playing for Keeps prizes, you must join our Discord server and give us a quick overview of who you are in the introduction message. We want to get to know everyone and make sure we don’t miss any submissions, so make sure you join the Discord.

Submit a Play for Keeps entry message in #introduce-yourself which includes:

  • A name by which to address you in the channel
  • Why you’re interested in Keep or tBTC
  • What you are submitting for Playing for Keeps prizes — This can be an idea if you aren’t ready with a fully formed idea!
  • If you’ve already produced something you want to submit as an entry

More details about entry requirements are available here.

tBTC Stakedrop began June 8

Alongside Playing for Keeps, the Keep stakedrop kicked off with a live Crowdcast on June 8. Throughout this month, we will be unveiling additional milestones, including an interactive dashboard for staking and claiming rewards. Ultimately, the stakedrop will let ETH holders earn KEEP by proving their ability to secure the Keep network. tBTC, which lets people safely earn with their Bitcoin, is the first app built atop the Keep Network. Anyone can deposit their BTC to take full advantage of Ethereum, and anyone with the capital and know-how will be able to earn fees staking and supporting the bridge.

Join the Keep #tbtc channel on Discord for more updates on Playing for Keeps and the Keep stakedrop.

