From Universal Steps to Digital Dollars: How Bitwalking Reimagines UBI

4 min readMay 12, 2024


How Bitwalking Reimagines UBI

The promise of Universal Basic Income (UBI) has cast a long shadow over the halls of policy for decades. It’s a siren song, a seemingly utopian proposition that whispers of a guaranteed, unconditional payment for every citizen. UBI beckons with the allure of alleviating poverty, boosting economic participation, and weaving a stronger social safety net. Yet, the specter of financial burden and potential disincentives to work continue to cast long shadows over its implementation.

But what if there was a way to rewrite this narrative entirely? What if there was a method to not only provide a basic income but also incentivize behaviors that contribute to a healthier, more productive society? Enter Bitwalking, an app that disrupts the UBI conversation by rewarding users with digital currency (BW$) for the simple act of walking. It’s a step change, a paradigm shift that moves us beyond the concept of a handout and towards an earned income rooted in our most basic human activity — movement.

The dream of UBI boasts a rich history, with threads stretching back to philosophers like Thomas More in the 16th century. More championed a system that guaranteed a minimum standard of living, a vision that resonated through the ages. Fast forward to the 20th century, and figures like Milton Friedman championed similar ideas through negative income tax plans. Today, UBI pilots around the globe, from Finland to Kenya (and even in some areas of the United States, like Stockton, California), are yielding fascinating results. Participants in some programs report reduced stress, improved mental health, and even a slight uptick in employment rates. These initial studies paint a hopeful picture, but it’s important to note the results may not be universally applicable across all programs, and the long-term effects of UBI are still being debated.

Imagine transforming your leisure walk into a conscious choice towards a healthier you and a brighter financial future.

Bitwalking offers a compelling counterpoint to these concerns. Unlike UBI’s fixed stipend, Bitwalking users earn BW$ through the power of their own steps. This shift from receiving to earning fosters a crucial sense of agency. Your daily walk to work or your evening jog around the park isn’t just good for your health — it’s now generating a form of digital income. This gamification of physical activity injects a powerful dose of motivation, not just for the individual but for society as a whole. Imagine transforming your leisure walk into a conscious choice towards a healthier you and a brighter financial future.

But Bitwalking’s impact transcends the personal. By encouraging a more active population, it unlocks a treasure trove of economic benefits that ripple outwards, enriching the very fabric of society. Studies consistently show a link between physical activity and improved cognitive function, memory, and focus. A healthier workforce translates to increased productivity, leading to higher output and economic growth. Imagine a nation where employees, invigorated by their daily walks, are sharper, more creative, and able to contribute more effectively to the engine of commerce. Absenteeism due to preventable health issues plummets, replaced by a more engaged and productive citizenry.

Picture yourself invigorating your health with a morning walk to the bakery, while simultaneously injecting a dose of digital currency directly into the local economy.

Furthermore, Bitwalking bypasses the traditional financial institutions by allowing users to spend BW$ directly with each other. This creates a network of local value exchange, empowering small businesses and fostering a more resilient economic landscape. Picture yourself invigorating your health with a morning walk to the bakery, while simultaneously injecting a dose of digital currency directly into the local economy.

Imagine a world where a street vendor in Mumbai and a tech worker in San Francisco have equal opportunities to generate BW$ simply by going about their day.

Perhaps the most compelling aspect of Bitwalking is its inherent equality. Every step, regardless of location or socioeconomic background, earns the same amount of BW$. This aligns perfectly with the core principle of UBI — ensuring a basic level of economic participation for all. Imagine a world where a street vendor in Mumbai and a tech worker in San Francisco have equal opportunities to generate BW$ simply by going about their day. This fosters a more equitable distribution of value, potentially chipping away at traditional economic disparities. A young student walking to school and a retiree taking their daily stroll are both contributing to their own well-being and the collective health of the financial ecosystem.



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Income, healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom, trust and generosity. 不安定なイタリア人による.