Keepsafe Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2015

“I use KeepSafe to protect my most personal (both sad and happy) memories. I know they’ll be there when I need them most.”

My mother is in chemotherapy and I track her progress through photos. They are a record of my mom fighting for her life, but also of her suffering, so they’re intensely personal. I’m so grateful that with KeepSafe I have a trusted place to store and protect them.

I’d hate for anyone to accidentally see these photos on my phone. Having KeepSafe enables me to protect my mother’s dignity whether I’m at work, out with friends, or just in public. These photos remind me of my mother’s strength, but also of a difficult and scary time in our lives. Seeing them can be an emotional trigger, so unintentionally looking at them is something I want to avoid, especially at work. That’s what KeepSafe has given me: peace of mind.

I use KeepSafe for storing other memories too. It’s where I keep photos of my dog, Mr. Peanut Butter, who passed away. It’s where I keep screenshots of funny or meaningful texts that I don’t want to forget. It’s where I keep anything that I hold dear and want to revisit. It is a place for the things I don’t want to see on my phone every day, and the things I don’t want to risk losing if something were to happen to my phone. It enables me to save space on my phone and access exactly what I need, when I need it.

The Private Cloud feature has been a lifesaver. I was using KeepSafe on a Samsung Galaxy S3 for three years when I lost my phone. I bought an iPhone 6 and was relieved to find that all I had to do was download the KeepSafe app from the iTunes store, sign in, and voilà! All of my memories stored on KeepSafe synced seamlessly to my iPhone.

Photos take up the majority of the storage space on my phone. Today, my most important photos are in Keepsafe. Now that the Space Saver mode is here, I can fill my KeepSafe to the brim with even more important moments in my life — and I can trust they’ll always be there, exactly when I need them.

— Angelina R.

This is a true story from a loyal KeepSafe user. At her request, the names and personal info have been slightly modified to protect user privacy.



Keepsafe Blog

Thoughts on privacy and protecting your personal space.