How effective is video marketing? | TopLine Film

Heather Baker
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2019

When your marketing budget is tight, it can be difficult to know what marketing strategies to invest in. This is especially true if there’s a lack of understanding around the effectiveness of particular marketing methods.

So, how effective is video marketing? As a video production and video strategy agency, we know for a fact that video marketing is one of the best ways to reach your target audience, build trust, boost conversions and ultimately, positively impact your company’s bottom line.

There are many statistics out there which highlight the effectiveness of strong video content marketing campaigns. They’re particularly useful to have on-hand when you’re pitching video to C-level management, who may not immediately see the value of video and therefore withhold budget.

We’ve compiled a list of the best video marketing statistics that show just how useful video can be:

  1. By 2019, the global consumer internet video traffic will account for 82 percent of all consumer Internet traffic, according to Cisco’s Visual Networking Index
  2. According to Aberdeen, companies who use video boost revenue 49% faster year on year than organisations without video
  3. According to research commissioned by Google, YouTube reaches more 18 to 49-year-olds on mobile during prime-time TV hours than any cable TV network
  4. Animated explainer videos increase conversion rates by 20%, according to Switch Video
  5. Video is the new try-before-you-buy. According to Think With Google, 50% of people interested in a product or service searched for online videos before visiting a store
  6. Marketers love video, too. 72% of marketers used video as part of their content marketing strategy, according to the Content Marketing Institute

Do you want to find out about how video marketing can help your company to grow? Contact our MD today.

Originally published at on January 11, 2019.

