Six reasons NOT to invest in a whiteboard animation

Heather Baker
2 min readOct 28, 2019


We hate to turn down work (we’re a video and animation company keen to grow), but when we get a brief for a whiteboard animation, we have to be up front with the client. This is a style that really doesn’t work anymore and we usually try to convince the client to go in another direction. Here’s why:

  1. They look cheap: and that’s probably because they are. In fact, price is probably the only think whiteboard animations have going for them. But then again, when it’s your brand on the line, is “cheap” really a plus point?

2. They’re dated: This style was really popular 5–10 years ago. All the cool kids were creating whiteboard animations and sharing them on Google+.

3. They come across as kind of lazy: Getting one of these off the ground is pretty easy. It’s hard to get your audience interested in something that is so low effort.

4. They are very generic: It’s hard to make a whiteboard animation stand out. That’s because you’re limited to quite a narrow style of illustration.

5. They can be silly: When you go really cheap with a whiteboard animation and have a static hand holding a pen and moving it around it just looks odd!

6. They seem a little selfish: When you use this style it looks like you don’t care about your audience.

That’s what the industry insiders think. You might disagree. Let me know in the comments.

