Don’t build a Boring Company

Companies that looking boring in & out; Never grow

Ramesh Reddy
Keera Design


People love brands that are aligned to their needs. Brands that solve their problems and make them feel good!

Companies that are static are the ones that becomes boring eventually. Such companies never appear to be interesting to people.

Only way to make your company look cool & interesting to Yourself, to your employees & to your customers is by continuous innovation. You must build that innovation culture in your organisation’s DNA.

Brands that stop innovating appears boring to the users and eventually it fades away in the minds of people.

Why some brands stand tall irrespective of uncertain times like covid 19?

Because of only one reason that is continuous innovation. All the big brands of the world are big today because they are not standing still. They are not static. They never satisfied and stopped with one thing. They are innovating continuously.

And the ones that stopped innovating fades away with time.

You may ask, Is it possible for a small company like mine to innovate?

Innovation is never a big boy’s game! In Fact when you see all the giants in the world like S&P Global 500 brands, all of them are highly innovative during their beginning days when they are literally small.

When Apple started from their garage, there is a lot of innovation going on & now in 2021 their DNA is still the same. They are still hungry for innovation! That’s the biggest reason why they are standing tall.

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Don’t make it boring for yourself

Who wants to run a boring company! But, if you get satisfied with small successes & fall into comfort zone, no one can save you from dipping!

I know, you as a founder, started your company with a lot of passion and a very long vision. Don’t make your passion cool down and your vision to get compromised.

Question yourself, in the first place, why you had started what you had started? and What’s your purpose of existence in this world!?

How to turn your boring company into most interesting & people loving brand?

It’s very simple; Don’t put yourself in the comfort zone. If you, as a leader can’t be in a risk mode, then organisation will go into sleep mode and stay still forever.

When you find yourself lazy to go to work; When you find yourself not so enthusiastic for what you are doing; it’s time to ask yourself the above questions.

Because, when you had started, in the initial days you were never like that; You used to be so energetic, enthusiastic, committed, passionate & empowered to go to work.

Don’t make it boring for your Employees

If you get bored, automatically the environment become so still & your employees don’t feel purposeful on their work. Eventually, you see the drop in the interest rate & slowly you see your environment turning to be so boring.

Even if you are energetic, if you are not keeping your environment innovative, empowered and happy; Your employees slowly fall asleep. They stop feeling to be humans and they act as robots.

How to keep your work environment active? How to keep your employees feel enthusiastic to come to work?

Encourage innovation. Value new ideas from your employees. Make your workspace more dynamic.

Alongside, have the regular engaging activities planned and executed with your employees.

Often times challenge them! Give a problem and set a deadline & ask them to come up with a solution. Reward the best solutions.

That’s how you make them feel really enthusiastic to come to work!

Don’t make it boring for your Customers

Finally, you have to understand that the game is all about the end customer. You as a brand, must understand your customers to the core and serve then with the best solutions for their problems.

Eventually, when you are enthusiastic & when your employees are enthusiastic — you can make your customers feel happy!

But, sometimes many companies close their ears for their customers. They stop listening to their customers. Due to which they don’t understand them properly and eventually end up in delivering the wrong solution to the wrong customers.

So, listening, observing and understanding the customer is a regular activity that any organisation either small or big must follow.

If you can understand your customer properly, if you can understand their pains, needs, wants, gains etc. you could definitely build awesome products that they love & you stand tall forever in the minds of your customers.

Photo by Matt Ridley on Unsplash


You may be a small company or a large enterprise; If you don’t keep your company active, if you don’t innovate — you make your company look boring.

Hope this article helps you build an innovation culture in your organisation and help you to stand tall forever.

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Ramesh Reddy
Keera Design

I am a digital entrepreneur started my life with technology. Then soon enough understood the value of design & design thinking in business.