Become a Better Version of Yourself by Going Keigo

Chris Moore
Published in
6 min readApr 26, 2019

Short history, long past

It is sometimes said, in regards to Psychology, that it has a short history and long past. It means that academic, experimental psychology is only approximately 150 years old, but since time immemorial, people have been interested in human mind. In fact, there are very accurate, insightful and vivid descriptions of Kings, Queens and military leaders and their distinctive characteristics.

There is nothing new under the Sun. We are the same. We try to prepare, read our conversation partners and take our cue from them. We know, deep down, that even lightest feathers can — and often will — break a camels back. On one hand, we are “wired” to sense rejection even from tiniest little cues and we have experienced how quickly conversations can turn sideway. On the other hand, sometimes tapping into right ideas can instigate enormous enthusiasm. We have also experienced, how weighing our words has moved mountains.

Knowledge, enlightenment, power and strength

Where do all of these shrewd interpersonal skills stem from? We have to go back more than 150 years. Actually, make that more than two thousand years — and head East.

Understanding others is knowledge,

Understanding oneself is enlightenment;

Conquering others is power,

Conquering oneself is strength.

- Tao Te Ching

Let’s look at these each of these dimensions in depth and see, how Keigo can help every step of the way.

Understanding others is knowledge

Keigo will help you to recognize and read different counterparts. Vast majority of communication is based on body language and speech tone — content of speech amounts to much less. In other words, HOW we say means much more than WHAT we say. Keigo will guide you in this all the way. For example, is your conversation partner keeping cards close to chin? Or is (s)he all over the place, expressive and off-the-wall?

What makes different types “tick”?

Here are motivation anchors of various types. Think of a loud Army Drill Sergeant stereotype, fact-centric and dominant Driver type. To achieve something, is the key motivation trait of this impatient go-getter.

Moving on. Think of an over-the-top flamboyant entertainer stereotype, people-centric yet dominant Visionary type. New and unique, usually get this kind of persons juices flowing.

Next. Ever watched Simpsons? The cartoon series. Remember Ned Flanders? The religious do-gooder guy living next door to the Simpson family: “Howdily doodily neighborino!” He is a spot-on Diplomat type, people-centric and flexible. What makes this kind of a person “tick” is not to let other people down.

At last. Think of a nerdy accountant type, fact-centric and flexible, God-lives-in-details type of a guy. The key motivation anchor is bound to be: Uncompromised quality.

Start using Keigo and these things become ingrained in your brain. Your life will never be the same. You’ll start seeing these characters everywhere. You just can’t help your eyes and ears — and your “gut feeling”.

Understanding oneself is enlightenment

Go Keigo and get your own “diagnosis”. It is just like playing it safe with a medical condition. Go out and get a second opinion. Except, with Keigo, you can do it for free and in a matter of seconds. Moreover, do not just get a second opinion, get a third opinion, fourth, fifth…

You’ll get your own assessment report on your natural social style. You’ll understand, thoroughly, your relative strength and development areas — and those other (360-degree) opinions help tremendously as well.

Try to apply a helicopter perspective into yourself. It is hard, because we can be somewhat rational when dealing with detached, low-interest topics, but just as soon as it is all about us — personally — all objectivity goes out of window and we are instinctive and emotional. In other words, do not pass judgement on others. Rather, try to understand, why someone may have a different perception and experience of you and your behavior. Even though there are no better or worse profiles or outcomes, we do have a tendency to respond emotionally to any discrepancies. After all, it all helps you to understand, how you some across.

Conquering others is power

Conquering is selling in contemporary world. The most important thing to remember, when dealing with selling of ideas, is this: No one wants to be sold to, yet everyone loves to buy. Hence, you probably have to be slightly cunning and work out a way, so that your conversation partner thinks that she or he came to that conclusion of their own. That it was her / his idea to begin with.

That is, however, just the beginning. Individual differences play a part too. Keigo will teach you to influence according to your counterparts natural social style. For example, the Army Drill Sergeant, the Driver type, typically separates ideas from people, whereas ideas and people are pretty much the same to Ned Flanders, the Diplomat type. Moreover, the flamboyant entertainer, the Visionary type wants to see over the horizon, but the nerdy accountant, the Analyst type, wants to play it safe. Hence, past tense and proven track record are to be emphasized with the latter one.

Conquering oneself is strength

We are all slaves to our habits. No worries, though. Keigo can help in terms of “cure” as well. For the majority of Keigo users, the most important thing to remember is this. Just be yourself, but learn to recognize your totally different — the opposite — counterpart from tiniest little cues. You have to learn to do your work early enough as well. For example, let’s say that you the Driver type, the Army Drill Sergeant. You have to learn, how to spot Ned Flanders quickly.

Once you have mastered that, the next thing is to pull back. It is better to pull back and control your visible or distinctive characteristics rather than trying to be something that you are not, in your heart of hearts. Remember: People pick up on phony very easily. Keigo is not just your mentor in the moment, just before you are about to meet someone really important, but Keigo also provides you with daily tips and other pieces of valuable information as well.

Just stay with it!

All it takes is little incremental improvements over a period of time and all of a sudden you will realize, that you are in a really good place. “Rome was not built in a day — but it was built brick by brick”.

Keigo makes social situations a little better and helps you connect easier in important situations. You’ll have advanced psychology and cutting edge AI gadget in your pocket. Weigh your words or shoot from the hip — Keigo will tell you. Go Keigo and create unique chemistry.

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