How to Get Started with Keigo

Chris Moore
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2019

Got Keigo? Great!

Do whatever you want!

However, in case you want some advice getting started, how about following these walk-through instructions.

Keigo stretching: 5 ways to go Keigo — for free!

1. Take the visual assessment!

Sprain your brain by putting pictures in order that describe you best.

2. Keigo your favorite celebrity!

Imagine you are about to meet that special someone on a date or for biz.

3. Ask for 360-degree cross-evaluations!

How do others see you? There is only one way to find out. Fire out many requests!

4. Analyze your last meaningful meeting!

Go over your last meeting with a friend or associate: Use AI for Twitter active, use sliders for others. (Slider analysis does not take up credits.)

5. Pick your favorite tips!

Start gathering worthwhile psychological insights. Ideas you want to remember and take up.

Now, you know what Keigo can do.

What to do after that?

Introducing Keigo mental maps.

In Ancient Greece, people looked into past, whereas future was emerging from behind. In other words, according to this World view, history is in front of us all the time, slowly fading into horizon, and unknown future constantly approaches us behind our backs — yet we cannot see it.

We, on the contrary, look into future and think of past events as left behind. We´d like to think that we are in charge, that we can control future, or at least, predict it. Moreover, we may be through with the past, but the past isn’t through with us.

In Ancient Greek plays, one common theme or plot was this notion of exaggerated self-pride and arrogance — Hybris -, which often led to unfortunate outcomes. Also, going Keigo requires a humble mind. Therefore, take a trip down a memory lane first.

· Self and past

Think of yourself and past tense. Are these your pros and cons? Has your mind taken these kinds of forms? Are there common nominators?

There are hardly any exact answers, but chances are that something worthwhile can cross your mind. Try to understand. What you understand, you learn. Let it sink in. All the way to your spinal cord. Learn it on grammar level. User empowerment and doing good are in the DNA of Keigo.

· Others and past

Perhaps you would like to go over some past meetings or social encounters. Perhaps you have an underlying notion that you are not satisfied with the way you have dealt with particular types of people in certain situations.

Have you had a hard time of standing your ground with particular types of conversation partners in past? How about selling your ideas to various types?

· Self and future

Life is short and we want to make the most out of it. Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor and scholar of Stoicism, stated that there are only two things in this life we have control over: Our thoughts and our actions. Everything else in beyond our control.

Hence, only worry about stuff that you can control. Commit to incremental improvement. Just a little better.

· Others and future

Aim for improved mutual understanding. It is fair to say that there is not enough understanding in the World today. Today, there are people living in media-bubbles and echo chambers. Make sure you will not live a psycho-bubble tomorrow. Keep an open mind.

Don’t go to the Dark Side. Instead, make a difference: Be the difference you can to see in the World. Rome was not built in a day — but it was built brick by brick.

Good luck and share your Keigo experience!

