Introducing Keigo: Change the Trajectory of Your Life

Chris Moore
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2018

What you get from life, you get from people. Yet, our lives consist of endless human interactions with no set rules. Everything is negotiation and repetition. We have our own core sense of self, but we also have endless roles to play in endless situations.

How do you navigate in this maze of mirrors? Who do you want me to be? Now? Take it from William Shakespeare:

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts”

Go Keigo for better bonding. Whether your aim is to understand, adjust, impress, impact or even woo your conversation partner — Keigo is here to help you to be the best version of yourself. Whether you have an important interview, a first date or a social event — imagine, what your life will be like when you connect just a little better with the people you meet.

Keigo is here to help you in all of these social encounters.

Sign up at here and you’ll be the first to get it upon launching in February. Take a quick picture test / assessment; there are no right or wrong answers. Study your profile and get 360-degree inter-rater feedback from whoever you want. Then you can start simulating your counterparts — hot dates, new casual acquaintances or past flings — and get personal tips for hitting it off properly. It is situational flexibility and interpersonal influence just-on-demand.

Know that special someones Twitter name, have mails or blog texts?

It gets better. Punch in that handle, let artificial intelligence read through all tweets and re-tweets in 2 seconds and you will get a personality profile of that special someone, based on his/her Twitter history. It’s all prep in one place — in your pocket.

Even with your personal “Cyrano de Bergerac” you still have to do your own stunts when meeting face-to-face.

Understand your own personality before others

How did we come about this? Our team consists of neurotic psychologists, bad-ass coders and functional managers, but we just happen to be Finns. We do not talk. We need gadgets for mating. Now you can jump on our bandwagon… “Can’t buy me love”, they say, and it is probably true — but if everything else fails, it is still a killer app for professional and non-romantic encounters.

In art and labor (of love)

Keigo team

