Keigo Diagnosis

manne pyykkö
Published in
8 min readJul 5, 2019

Hi, I’m Manne, co-founder of Keigo app. I’m in charge of psychological content. Now, it’s time to put some skin in the game! Follow my lead. I am going to show you how to do:

Keigo diagnosis

I’m tan, rested and ready — I’m not just rested, but also tested. This is me.

Conclusion: An Idea-rich Visionary type, both based on my own opinion and that of others. There are more than a dozen 360-degree cross evaluations embedded in the turquoise line and I’m about to explain, right now, what that line “has eaten”.

On the whole, others agree with me, but their estimate is not as pronounced as mine. We all share a notion that I am more of a people person rather than “Just the facts, Ma’am, type”. Moreover, I am more dominant than submissive, in terms of my natural social style. Frankly: I am a see-over-horizon-and-speak-before-think kind of a guy — for better or worse. You could not make an accountant out of me.

Hold your horses. That is not all. There are many discrepancies in perception, interesting conversations to be had and genuine insights to be grasped. However, before diving into the deep end, it is worthwhile to address, at this point, a very fundamental question.

Why 360 –degree cross-evaluations matter, a lot?

Every once in a while, you run into a person, who suggests that (s)he does not care, what other people think of her / him. That can be a somewhat viable goal I life — to care less about other peoples’ perception of you -, but it is hardly true as such.

We all care, what others think of us; We have to.

First of all, it is very important to understand, how other people see you. In fact, you can take it one step further. Some people say that, what you think of yourself does not really matter all that much, in comparison to, how other people see you. Kind of like, it is good to know lots of people in business, but it is even better to have tons of people know you.

I am taking my own medicine. I am posting my profiles in social media.

Secondly, there is strength in numbers. James Surowiecki argues in his book, “Wisdom of Crowds”, that diverse collections of independently deciding individuals are different from traditional “group think”. In fact, those independent estimates are often better and more accurate than what could have been made by any single member of the group.

Consequently: More the merrier — drives validity.

Hence, it is important to send many requests, as your behavior is bound to change slightly from one situation to another — and other peoples’ perceptions and experiences also tend to vary. Therefore, these differences or “perception wrinkles” can be evened out by asking many people for their opinion.

Enough with that theoretical stuff.

I crowdsourced other peoples’ perception of me, and asked them to send the profile over as a screen shot, so that I could see each estimate created by each evaluator. I was not putting my workmates or near and dear ones on the spot, as one profile is not better or worse that another one.

There is also another work-psychologist at Keigo. We have known each other for a quarter of a century. We are also good friends. His take on me was pretty much spot-on the same as my self-assessment. Profile below.

Next, our CEO and co-founder at Keigo saw me in this light (see below): A purely people person, in the essence. On one hand, at best, an innovative problem solver, resourceful communicator and team-player, who gets the best out of other people. On the other hand, at worst, a rambling hippie do-gooder, always trying to steer ship off-course with uninhibited associations and one to make emotional over-engagement into any topic at hand. See profile underneath.

Then there is my dear wife. Profile underneath, as follows. Push-over, eh…? What can I do. I suppose I am a (remorseful) wuss. Let’s move on!

As you can see Keigo is a visual quick-hit assessment, which gains more and more validity, incrementally, as more and more 360-degree cross-evaluations are requested and introduced. Often, the end result can be a mixed bag, but usually there is a theme to be found — even if that theme happens to be, for example, that one particular type or dimension is basically ruled out as a result of this multidimensional perception inquiry.

In my case, Quality-minded Analyst type was really low. However, some people have seen a little bit of that in me. Namely, some of Keigo board members have noticed a touch of that in me, but chances are, that it is the situation — Keigo board meetings — that bring out a modest leaning into an expert role in me. It seems to me that we always have tons of topics and issues to be addressed and very little time. Moreover, our board consists of both Driver and Visionary types.

In other words, discrepancy can stem either from different people or from different circumstances. Or both. Think for yourself. Do different kinds of people also see you in a bit different manner? Or is it the circumstances that cause the difference in perception? That phenomena are at the core of social intelligence.

I am not done yet.

This is something that I do not recommend to anyone, and I am not sure, if this is ethical to begin with — but I am a “Curious George”. I want to know, what my kids think of me, even though they are very young. I want to take advantage of the fact that Keigo visual assessment is genuinely unique.

There are no other visual social style assessments in the World, that can also be utilized for 360 –degree cross-evaluations. In other words, the very same pictures are presented to both to you and people you decide to ask for input. In comparison, run-of-the-mill traditional psychological assessment tools are often based on purely self-rate method, and they repeat the very same themes over and over again, with minor semantic or nuance changes. Let’s face it, you pretty much know, what you are getting — after a tedious effort.

So, I explained the instructions to my kids and this is what came out:

I am a father of two. This is a profile created by the younger one. Interestingly enough, the profile provided by the older one was almost identical.

As I try to interpret this more of a dominant or “forceful” profile I cannot help but to think, that there is a touch of resentment or blow-back embedded in the younger one’s evaluation, which is, most likely, caused by recently enforced “Minecraft playing time restriction / diet”. In addition, I am coaching the older one’s basketball team, so that could be a factor as well.

Hmm… I do have some soul searching to do. Wuss to wife, yet assertive to kids. Well, they both saw Visionary flair in me, in addition to my workmates, so perhaps I am not a full-fledged case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde…

Nevertheless, I am going for “Keigo Trifecta”

Last but not least, I am doing my profile based on AI. I am not active in Twitter, but I have written some blogs over the years. They have to do with Bizmind, our B2B sales pro version. So, I copied the text and let IBM Watson analyze it. I could have created my profile based on the blog text, but I did not want to do that. Rather, I imagined I was about to meet my e-Me, my virtual self or “e-personality”. Spooky!

Here is the result! I am an 87% match with my virtual self, which was created based on my own blog texts. My virtual “e-personality” is still a Visionary type, based on IBM Watson. That is consistent with both my own and other peoples’ perceptions and experiences. But. My virtual self is also big on Driver type. That is “second banana”, making the overall virtual self-picture more assertive and professional. My e-me or e-personality is practically a Visionary-Driver type.

It is interesting to think, how my virtual self would or could vary, based on the texts written and context accordingly. If I had a lover, how would Watson interpret my love letters to that person? Or mails sent to parents of the junior basketball team, the one my older child is playing on? There is bound to be discrepancy. With the text that was used, it was aimed at pre-occupied B2B sales pros. Yes, I tried to be assertive and more fact-centric — and it showed.

What’s next?

Self-understanding is important, but why not use this information, provided by people who know you well and/or AI, for new acquaintances? Frankly: Why not have your friends and family introduce you when meeting new people!?

You already have a valid and accurate answers to the classic question of:” If I was to ask your friends, what kind of person you are, what would they say?” Bang! Here is my profile with 360-evaluations.

Jump the gun and put people at ease right from the get go!

Just gather those 360-degree cross-evaluations and start using that profile for new social encounters. Applying for a job, going on a date, joining a team / project, moving in with other people for a semester, telling strangers how to approach me, communicating more deeply with followers and subscribers… There are tons of ways to use a socially refined, 360-degree induced profiles. Skip or shortcut “social foreplay” and get on with it right away. Go first and chances are that your actions are reciprocated.

End game

We are interested in ourselves and other peoples’ views on us. Once again, one profile is not better or worse than another, and you do not have to change as a person. However, usually the main take away is such that, if you happen to meet a person, who is completely different from you — let’s say you are like night and day — then it is better to “pull back” and play down your most pronounced characteristics.

That is the rule of thumb. Nevertheless, there are plenty of variations and nuances — but nothing that cannot be sorted out by Keigo app usage!

Dazed and confused,




manne pyykkö
Editor for

Co-founder of Keigo app; Psychological content guy; Psychometrics & AI enthusiast; EuroPsy; Author; Co-founder of Bizmind app; B2B sales coach; Basketball coach