Keigo — The Personality Poker

Chris Moore
Published in
6 min readMay 24, 2019

The only constant is change. Keigo is already a cutting-edge tool for both better self-understanding and for conducting more productive meetings with a wide variety of people. You already get an assessment report, induced by other peoples views as well. You already have means to map your up and coming conversation partners, both by your own perception and by means of IBM Watson AI, and get an accurate, insightful psychological advice accordingly. Moreover, there are tons of advice — just for you or your type — embedded in the tool.

Quo vadis, Keigo?

Keigo is already great for many use cases. For example, applying for a job: You can really stand out from the crowd by sending your social style profile over as a part of your application. “Look here, this is me, this how I see myself, and this is how others see me.” In order words, you do not have to test me, as I have already tested myself. Leg up on competition. Now, this is one example of benefits that can be reaped already by Keigo usage. And for free, now less. This is also an example of an instance, where the meeting is everything, or more precisely, the outcome of the meeting is everything. This is not always the case, however.

Many times, the objective goes well beyond the actual meeting and even its outcome. In many occasions, the meeting is only a vehicle for something else. Namely, getting to know one another. Gradually. On your own terms. And on your counterpart’s terms. With a touch of reciprocity. Not just superficially, but profoundly.

Why is this important?

Philip Zimbardo, the psychology heavy-weight, who conduct the legendary Stanford Prison Experiment approximately 50 years ago, has publicly stated, that he is especially worried about boys, but the same seems to apply to the whole young generation. At these contemporary times, which provide instant access via internet, instant gratification and escape into virtual worlds designed to immerse and hook, futile browsing takes up so much of our time and mind share. Frankly: Although much is gained, much is also lost.

Idea being that, for example, notion of gradual getting to know one another is practically gone. Check out Instagram! Follow up with Facebook! Something, that in the olden times, was reached by exchange of letters, being pen pals, romantic courting and just friendship, distressed by physical distance or other circumstances. However, there is a remedy.

Up for some Personality Poker?

How about sharing your profile with the one you care about? In a way that it stays with between you two — and get the other persons profile accordingly. There are meaningful conversations to be had based your mutual experiences. It goes beyond that. There are plenty of both generic and profile-specific tips embedded in Keigo. You can rate them in a personal manner. You can also exchange these ideas, with your own personal touch. For example. “This is something I learned the hard way”, and the tip follows. I put this forward and perhaps get, in return, a tip from the conversation partner, which also has a personal touch as a title: “I am going to give this idea a shot, when an opportunity emerges”.

In other word, face to face meetings are important, but there is also a build-up and also, perhaps even more meaningfully, often a genuine need to follow-up and expand ever after. Usually, meaningful human exchanges are both a mean and an end. The meaningful human exchanges often combine both pleasure and progress. That way, you cannot lose.

You do not come back to Keigo for the sake of Keigo. You come back for yourself. And for people you care about. These are the things that we live for.

Befriend people who want the best for you

Psychology professor and an intellectual rock-star, Jordan Peterson, suggests in his book, 12 Rules for Life, as a one of the rules exactly this: Befriend people who want the best for you. Keigo is exactly consistent with this notion. Pick wisely and expand with the ones with an honest heart as compass in regards to you and your aspirations. And it is necessary that you share such an attitude towards these people as well, as it is mutual reciprocity — not exploitation –, which is aimed at.

With friends like these

In the essence of it, we all have our “blind spots” and yet we are trying to improve our lives. Friends can help. In can be one or it can be a wisdom of a crowd. People can help you to point out things that they can see, but you cannot, in your pursuit to improve your life. You can, of course, return the favor accordingly.

It is also about more profound interpersonal relationships. Not some moves in a game or social engineering as such. Sure, there are times, when we need to impress or sell an idea, but Keigo cuts much deeper. To understand and to be understood. Among people, who matter to one another.

Back from bits to atoms

Keigo is a digital service — which aims at improved life and human relations in atom World.

This is not some avatar crap, immersion into digital bit World. This is real life. Don’t be blown to bits. Instead, be alert and alive in atom World.

People need people. In many ways. Unfortunately, these days too many people immerse into bit World, and even become addicted to it. Sure, for example, Facebook can bring together long lost friends, but there is a touch of artificial one-upmanship involved in many of these services and peoples endeavors. It can even lead to artificial addiction, cued by internal emotional states such as anxiety, boredom or isolation.

First of all, as Philip Zimbardo has publicly stated, there is something worrying in these artificial or bit World addictions, as they deviate from traditional addictions. In traditional atom World addictions, such as gambling, sex, alcohol, drugs, smoking and so on, people crave the same experience over and over again. It the bit World addictions, people crave for something different. They are left with endless searching and browsing, with a promise, that what they are looking for, is just a click away. However, incremental self-improvement and better relationships can help.

Secondly, in bit World, we are constantly exposed to social approval. Images of other peoples — often artificial and/or cherry picked — happiness. How many likes? How many followers? How many subscribers? Keigo is also an antidote to all of that. How about changing the way you keep up with your near and dear ones and with friends in general? How about going Keigo instead of pressing a like-button when faced with yet another fancy meal someone is having or an exotic resort another one has visited? Who knows, perhaps it is time to move from quantity to quality…?

It not the acceptance of many, but love of one, that matters at the end of the day.

Keigo makes social situations a little better and helps you connect easier in important situations. You’ll have advanced psychology and cutting edge AI gadget in your pocket. Weigh your words or shoot from the hip — Keigo will tell you. Go Keigo and create unique chemistry.

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