Keigo — Your Data, Your Destiny

Chris Moore
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2019

Life is, on one hand, little bit like practice, but, on the other hand, you only have one go, so you better make the most out of it. You cannot start over. You have no time-outs.

I am a hunter. I sell myself as a credible player and I believe that my ideas have game-changer quality. More I can automate that, the better. Enter Keigo. This is me. This is what I think of myself and this is how people around me see me. This is how I am coming and fighting chance is all I am looking for. Can you hook me up with an opportunity? Great!

Keigo is personal empowerment in a digital domain. My data. For my benefit.

I have chit-chat and ice-breaking pretty much automated. It works both ways. I want to let everyone know, that this is what I am like. I want everyone to know that up-front. Want to tailor your message in way that it would connect with me? Go on. Hit me with your best shot!

Frankly, they are already doing it

We are turning tables here. They try to hack me and sell me their stuff. We are levelling the playing field. Well, I’ll hack myself and get that I want. Better job, leg up on competition, more meaning friendships — I hit the ground running with new people and perhaps I’ll meet that special someone as a consequence of that one day. Keigo is personal empowerment in a digital domain. My data. For my benefit.

Know yourself better than they

Yuval Noah Harari suggests that, at the beginning of your life, your mother knows you better than you yourself. That is naturally bound to change over time. However, these day corporations and governments are more than eager to jump in as well. They want to know you better than you do. Hence, you have to get to know yourself both faster and better than machines.

Machines wear us out and they do not forget. We are stuck in biology and we carry the whole evolution of mankind in ourselves. We are all vulnerable, but in our vulnerability, also lies roots of our salvation. Meaningful empowerment.

Rage against the machine

They may hack my free will and my choices. But I accept the challenge. I am better than that. I am a student of my craft. I study my weaknesses. I run counters. Keigo is just the beginning. I am arming myself and one day I have my own machines, which serve me. These machines will know me and protect me. They are my wing-men. Together we will know my short-comings and help me do the right thing. I already live in a media-bubble, which can skew my perception. I need help in calibrating my worldview today. Tomorrow, I will need help guarding against a psycho-bubble as well.

Together we will know my short-comings and help me do the right thing.

I have many roles and I play many parts. Sharing my Keigo profile is not audacious act as such. Psycho-exhibitionism, you may suggest. Hey, they already know me and now I want to reap the benefits. I want to be the active party — not a passive target of advertising. Moreover, my profile is neither better, nor worse than anyone else’s. Since time immemorial people’s reputations have walked ahead of them. Mine just walks virally.

Sure, my individual characteristics have predictive value, but at the end of the day, true or real self is elusive by nature. It is in my dreams. True self is in a spontaneous gesture and impulsive act. That is where I will make my last stand.

Individual differences and impulses

It is not just “different strokes for different folks“ we have to worry about. All individual differences aside, this battle of our ages takes place against a backdrop of delay of gratification. In fact, the only teaching market economy has: Buy an instant consumption good now, or buy a more lasting consumption good next week? Therefore, psychologically speaking, we can resist our impulses by integrating our urgent wishes into better tomorrow. Good old work before play. Old virtues apply no matter what happens: Studying, saving / investing and working.

Go Keigo for better bonding — but it doesn’t stop there. Keigo is your mentor in the moment no matter what you do. Find common ground in personal or even intimate manner or sprain your counterparts brain with bold and disruptive idea — going Keigo will help you come through.

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