Land Your Dream Job Using Keigo

Chris Moore
Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2019

“If I was to ask your best friend, what kind of a person you are, what would he or she say?” Chances are that you have been asked that question, when you have applied for a job. In case you have not been asked that, you will be. Sooner or later. It is a classic recruitment question.

What did you answer? Do you remember? Perhaps, instead of your best friends take, the interviewer wanted to know, what your former boss would say. Or a workmate. Or a member of your family. Or perhaps even your worst enemy.

Now that is a hard question. Many people start throwing positive adjectives on the table. Left and right. I am this and I am also that. Sometimes contradictions are self evident: “I am an independent team player!”. Sure, if you say so…

How about going Keigo?

Take your phone, open Keigo and show. “See, that is how I see myself. This is my best friends perception of me, we agree on these things, but in that area, there is some discrepancy. My old boss sees me this way. There are plenty of others as well. Want me to send you this?” Why not make the interviewers life easy — and get a leg up on competition.

One profile is not better or worse than another. There are both pros and cons involved in all possible profile types. By sharing your Keigo profile, including other peoples input as well, you show that you are aware of your personal characteristics. Self-reflection is vital. “This is typical of me. These traits define me. Sometimes, in certain settings, these traits can have a positive impact, but the very same traits can also be counterproductive under other kinds of circumstances.” Not only are you describing yourself in an accurate and truthful manner, you are also calibrating mutual expectations.

You can use Keigo also beforehand.

You can use Keigo to get into the interview setting to begin with. Why not send your Keigo profile as a part of your application and resume. Go like this: “You do not have to spend time and money on testing me — because I have already tested myself, with 360 degree view, no less”.

Stands out from the crowd: ✅

Shows initiative: ✅

Shows creativity: ✅

Evidence of self-awareness: ✅

Easy fit to our team: ✅

Why is self-awareness and self-reflection so important? The profound logic behind job-aptitude testing goes like this. More you know of yourself, including your relative strength and development areas, better your chances of behaving in an appropriate manner in various situations. Often rather unexpected and tricky situations. Situational flexibility is based on self-reflection; self-reflection can be boosted by Keigo.

Think of driving a car. There are all kinds of traffic situations out there: changing lanes, stopping at red lights and so on. Situations vary, but your driving style is rather consistent. That driving style is your Keigo profile, laced by other peoples perception of your driving style as well. You bring your driving style into countless different situations.

What we like to do and what comes naturally, has two important implications. Firstly, it defines are resource allocation. We tend to spend more time on tasks that we find pleasant and have a tendency to drag our feet with unpleasant tasks, sometimes we may even skip them all together! Secondly, we are usually very good at tasks that we like. We spend a lot of time on those tasks. We get a lot of practice. However, there is a flip side of that very same coin. Unfortunately, we are often bad at stuff that we do not like.

You want to find that ideal match

That dream job, which allows you to play your strengths and passions at full throttle. However a bad match is a nightmare. Sometimes it’s good to go out of ones comfort zone, but on the whole you want to find that match made in Heaven. Otherwise, your competency may turn into impotency.

It is your job to know, what makes you “tick”. And convey that message or story to the person conducting the job-interview. As ancient Greek philosophers said: ”Know Thyself”. Now, with Keigo, you can let other people know you as well.

Go Keigo for better bonding — but it doesn’t stop there. Keigo is your mentor in the moment no matter what you do. Find common ground in personal or even intimate manner or sprain your counterparts brain with bold and disruptive idea — going Keigo will help you come through.

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