Trump in “Keigo therapy”

manne pyykkö
Published in
5 min readJul 17, 2019

How to interpret Keigo meeting advice?

My wife is a clinical psychologist. She works with teenagers and young adolescents. She is interested in her customers’ problems, naturally, but perhaps not the extent that one might expect, as her main job is to represent reality. Understanding comes after that. She always makes a concentrated effort to establish trust. You could say that she “sells” herself first. She wants her customers to share, what is on their minds — but her main priory is to establish, what is her customers or patients OWN relationship to the problem at hand. What the problem is in itself? How the customer feels about the particular problem? What kind of meaning is attached, by the patient, to those issues? Generally speaking, what is it that (s)he wants to get, avoid or fix?

Introducing Keigo Triangle

You do not have to become a therapist and your counterparts are not patients, but chances are, that you are not going to bring anyone around by simply speaking your mind. Usually, you want to understand, connect and influence your conversation partners one way or another. Therefore, naturally, it is the “patients” OWN relationship towards the topic, issue or solution at hand, which actually counts at the end of the day.

Example: You are in a biz meeting

At first, you and your conversation partner must agree on the topic, need or objective. That can be self-evident of very fuzzy or debatable. You must evaluate topics at hand mainly from a perspective of reality. Could it happen? Are we in the same ballpark in terms of expectations?

Often, steering conversations and subjects in a subtle way is a virtue, when defining pains, needs and objectives. Then there must be trust. Unless your counterpart trusts you, there is no genuine needs assessment. Hence, the very definition of the problem to be addressed may get compromised. And finally, it is the conversation partner, the other, who will define his or her relationship towards the solution by find meaning, “seeing the light” and eventually deciding.

Frankly: you must be there for the other — not vice versa. Usually nothing good happens, if you are more enthusiastic about proceeding than the other. That does not mean, however, that constructive confrontations are to be avoided at all cost — on the contrary.

How does this take place in Keigo meeting advice?

Who should we take, hmm…

Let’s put Trump into “Keigo therapy”!

His public announcements and statements have left me dumbfounded and my wife said that it is bound to be a futile endeavour. But let’s give it a go.

Trump is active on Twitter: @RealDonaldTrump is his handle. I just ran him against my own profile.

Houston, we have a problem…

He is a die-hard Driver type, apparently. First there is the Match score 58% (see right side, above). That represents profile overlaps. Moreover, there is also a 60% Chance of misunderstanding. Sorry, that is part of our “secret sauce”.

Chances are that — left to my own natural devices — we are not going to hit it off all that well. On the whole, situational flexibility is called for on my part. I should remember to listening properly and keep my comments concise and clear.

But how should I do it? How can I establish a good connection?

So, as a key take-away: Trump is likely to see Visionary in me, improvising yet somewhat superficial, and I am bound to pick up Action bias and (too) outspoken flair. This is all about selling myself first, creating rapport and moving at the same pace. Adjustment: we both move fast, but I just probably have to keep my cards a little closer to my chest and keep my comments grounded.

How do I help Trump to form his OWN relationship to the topic at hand? Even steer him?

At the bottom of the screen there is a Psychological insight, which helps in efforts to enhance Commitment & Consistency towards the Topic at hand. Topics may vary. Topics may be anything in the World — and the same goes for context or situation as well. However, individual differences play a part. Different people establish that relationship in a slightly different way. Based on that difference, advice is provided.

So, I better go boldly for the risky and sexy options!

Psychological insight: Commitment & Consistency tips are different, even with the same particular conversation partner type. Here, for example, with a Driver type. Hence, I ran Trump three times. (Remember, using sliders is free, no credits spent.)

Ok, prepped for push-back, framing tricks and hard-sell tactics. Play down emotions and reciprocity.

So, he is willing to “call a spade a spade”; whatever we agree upon, let’s run with it!

So, as you can see, there are two levels at play all of the time.

1. Personal relationship or chemistry level, where nuances always change — trust never sleeps.

2. And, conversation partner & Topic at hand — where individual differences also have an impact.

Now, I’m all prepped for Trump! Have you analysed any political figures or celebrities?

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manne pyykkö
Editor for

Co-founder of Keigo app; Psychological content guy; Psychometrics & AI enthusiast; EuroPsy; Author; Co-founder of Bizmind app; B2B sales coach; Basketball coach