When to Go Keigo

Chris Moore
Published in
5 min readMar 6, 2019

We all have to be better with people. Yet, interpersonal relationships are both wonderful and dreadful — and sometimes even at the same time. Here is one paradox: like-minded people usually tend to get along very well with one another, but they are often likely to have the same “blind spots”. In other words, social harmony and optimal mutual achievement, as a team or even as a working pair, may be somewhat mutually exclusive. Dangers of like-mindedness go even further than optimal balance between both atmosphere and achievement.

Mutual minds eye

It may appear to be counterintuitive that going all in on atmosphere can be a huge risk. The French have an expression for this: Folie a’ deux, shared psychosis. It is a delusional belief, shared by more than one person. Perhaps the most famous such case comes from classic literature. Don Quixote and Sancho Panza were figures in a novel by Cervantes. In his mind, Don Quixote is a highly virtuous and noble knight-errant, but, in reality, he was just a wandering drifter or vagabond. This fantasy was shared, however, by his side-kick Sancho Panza.

Add more people into the equation, and numbers go up and up: Folie a’ trois, quatre… The very same phenomenon can also take place in other walks of life as well. Folie en famille refers to delusional family settings. We all know that every family is different, and in ways that hardly even meet the eye. To be fair, though, we all have our fair share of “blind spots” and questionable cause-effect-assumptions, but as Professor of Psychology, Jordan Peterson, has stated, no one gets away with anything in life. Hence, chances are that such skews in perception, interpretation and meaning are bound to bite our bottoms, sooner or later.

Think group, groupthink

It does not have to be a breach in sense of reality. Good old groupthink will do as well. Groupthink means that members of a group try to reach a consensus decision without conflict and critical analysis. We are all subjects to that kind of behavior. Moreover, it seems that we talk about groupthink when dealing with adults, but refer to peer pressure when adolescents are subjects of discussion. We want (desperately) to fit in, but, at the same time, group dynamics and survival instincts of a team can easily override an individual.

Me, we

It is not always dangerous to immerse into group activity, but one has to, first and foremost, hold on to ones own sense of boundaries. Self-awareness and social intelligence — provided by Keigo app — can help a lot. Definition of social intelligence is this: “Social intelligence is a phenomenon, which refers to understanding of oneself and — based on this understanding — ability to utilize appropriate approaches in various social or interpersonal settings.” Keigo drives social intelligence, your best remedy for Folie a’ deux and groupthink.

Smells like team spirit

When you have a clear sense of self, you understand how you come across — and you have verified that with 360 –degree feedback — and you understand what you can “bring to the table”, then you are in a good position in terms of team building and any mutual efforts.

Based on grand old man of team building psychology, Meredith Belbin, an individual builds a team role — or team personality — based on ones actual personality, although other team members also affect such team role formulation. Therefore, having a sound foundation, in terms of self-awareness and social intelligence, is an important beginning point. Belbin argued that there are 8–9 roles, that must be filled by the team, but as little as 3–4 people can fill those “role shoes” between them. That can be a messy endeavour, however, especially if you do not know who you are to begin with.

Team means, by definition, that you have a mutual goal and that team members are dependent on each other’s output. Keigo aided social intelligence provides you with an opportunity to go “opposites attract” when it comes to team building. Combine a guy with a strong bias to action and assertive demeanour with a warm-hearted “glue guy”, who brings the best qualities out of other people. Have all bases covered by matching see-over-the-horizon, big-picture person AND turn-every-stone, God-lives-in-details guy respectably. Ok, but how can I do this on practical level?

On-boarding on the fly

Let’s say that there is a new-comer, who is about to join your work place. How can you make sure that the new-comer finds his or her place easily? That you start off on the right foot and hit the ground running? How about going Keigo in your work community and sharing your profiles with the newcomer up-front? “I lean a little bit this way — and these tendencies are more typical of Lisa”. And so on. Sure, the new-comer can do the same. Now that is a warm welcome and smooth landing. Now you are meeting and greeting — with a purpose. Now you are in a good place in terms of this “me, we” thing.

It does not have to be a work team, on the contrary. Sports teams, music groups, drama clubs, debating societies, exchange programs, all kinds of projects, communal living… Keigo can be applied to all kinds of extra-curricular activities in order to hit all the right notes from the get go. We all want smooth sailing. For everyone.

Viral team building

What can we do then? Slack, Trello, Zoom, Skype — you name it — this the way we work and play these days. These methods are not just contemporary, but they are also both efficient and effective — yet they can be minefields on their own right. Enter Keigo. How about having everyone share their Keigo profiles and spend some time at the beginning on virtual team building. It is only when people feel comfortable and find their places that actual contributing and value creation can begin. Such an endeavor pays itself back in a New York Minute.

These days we can be on the opposite sides of the World and come from completely different cultures and backgrounds, yet we can have mutual understanding, be instantly at ease with one another and hit the ground running.

Go Keigo for better bonding — but it doesn’t stop there. Keigo is your mentor in the moment no matter what you do. Find common ground in personal or even intimate manner or sprain your counterparts brain with bold and disruptive idea — going Keigo will help you come through.

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