Who the Hell Do You Think You Are?

Chris Moore
Published in
5 min readMar 15, 2019

Ever had anyone ask you that? Or rather shout that at you? That kind of a rude challenge or confrontation is likely to put anyone on a defensive stance and bring our guard up. In case we go wobbly and try to explain ourselves, we usually only end up losing ground. Especially in the eyes of others. Why is such a line so effective?

You are out of your element!

“Who the Hell do you think you are?”, is an impossible question. It is not really even a question; It is a framing. There is no short yet comprehensive answer. Whoever states that question has sensed that the conversation partner has somehow stepped outside of his or her boundaries,Who the Hell Do You Think You Are? without clarifying it specifically. Perhaps the person in question has somehow stepped out of his or her element and feels emasculated when called out. All of this just goes to show, how much we depend on other peoples views of us.

A few hundred years ago, getting kicked out of a tribe meant certain death. Even today, discrepancy between self-image and other peoples perceptions and expectations can cause an identity crisis.

Keigo helps you define boundaries

This dramatic example illustrates, how who do you think you are, is a multidimensional phenomenon. It is not just about, what you think of yourself; It is all about, what other people think of you. How you come across? This is the cornerstone of Keigo approach. Like this. Make use of your near and dear ones, and their perception and experience. They wish you all the best — and now there is a way for them to contribute in a tangible manner. All it takes is few minutes. It does not have to stop there. Workmates, friends and people of different walks of life — they all can provide their unique input.

Why crowdsource other peoples perception of you?

That will provide you with many benefits. First of all, you will gain insights — and perhaps even epiphany — concerning your natural social style in a multidimensional manner.

Secondly, you can use that information to your benefit, as there are many people, who are, in a way, gatekeepers of your dreams. University recruitment personnel, job aptitude assessors, possible future dates, emerging project teams, online virtual teams and so on — they are all interested in this multidimensional you. You can use that information, when you approach them.

Thirdly, you can use such information passively. Have an Instagram page? Want more followers or subscribers for you You Tube channel? With you 360 –degree induced profile you can make yourself more approachable. Make yourself easy to get to know. Instant acquaintances, 24/7? It matters, because we are all competing for attention.

How accurate are inter-rater evaluations?

This is a mixed bag. For example, according to latest psychological research, published in Intelligence Magazine recently, we do over estimate our spouses intelligence drastically. Now that is good news in terms of love, mutual respect and cohesion — are those things ever needed, as half of marriages in Western World end up in divorce these day anyways — but such a tendency, positivity bias or effect, is not necessarily accurate and realistic as such.

Keigo is different, though.

Peer input or inter-rater evaluations, obtained by Keigo 360 degree request, deal with natural tendencies, social style and personal comfort zone. There are no right or wrong answers. One outcome or profile is neither better nor worse than another. This is where it gets really interesting. There is bound to be discrepancy in other peoples perceptions on you? Now, where does that stem from? Are different people seeing you in a different light? Or, perhaps, it has been due to particular situations, which has caused these discrepancies? For example, every time we meet, it is all business, there are plenty of topics to address and very little time. The answer is: no one knows. Good news is this, however. You can find out yourself!

Psychology behind other peoples evaluations

All you have to do is to jump into this maze of mirrors. Get the near and dear ones first and have meaningful discussions in order to expand on these themes. You will gain insights concerning stuff that other people have seen, but you have failed to see about yourself. In other words, become aware of your personal blind spots. You will, most likely, come to a conclusion that your “Real self” is not real self as such, as there are both unconscious aspects including your innermost secrets and stuff that is visible to others, but not to you.

Forces of destiny

“Real self” is all about your need for self-determination. You are what you are and you do what you do. Other peoples perception of you define your “Social self”. It is all about your inherent neediness. Frankly: We need other people. Our lives are dependent on other peoples approval. A few hundred years ago, getting kicked out of a tribe meant certain death. Even today, discrepancy between self-image and other peoples perceptions and expectations can cause an identity crisis.

These two incompatible forces need for self-determination and inherent neediness, are evergreen sources of friction and strife in our lives. Sometimes this dilemma can take paradoxical forms. For example: “I want to be different, just like those people over there”. Yet, how we resolve this dilemma, defines foundation of our identities. Identity can mean many things, but it always refers to something relatively consistent or durable. Hence, Keigo can help you root your identity of a solid foundation.

Keigo makes social situations a little better and helps you connect easier in important situations. You’ll have advanced psychology and cutting edge AI gadget in your pocket. Weigh your words or shoot from the hip — Keigo will tell you. Go Keigo and create unique chemistry.

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