Can AI enhance our creativity?

How can we use these AI-based techniques to enhance our creativity?

Portrait by AI “Edmond de Belamy”

In the Cambridge Dictionary, the meaning of creativity is “the ability to produce or use original and unusual ideas”. Creativity may be the ultimate goal for artificial intelligence in all fields. AI has already mimicked great painters' styles and informed filmmaking's creative decisions. Through researching relative creative work(AI made), I can say that AI has the potential to become a true creative partner or even the creator of solo works of art. Additionally, if I compared to a lot of other machine learning techniques, deep learning technology is what’s called a ‘generative model,’ meaning that it learns how to mimic the data and create brand new creative things similar to what it was trained.

While humans creating something creative work, they need to learn something like how to draw, grammar structure, goods, nature, etc. In short sentences, humans need to learn to create something creative. I think the same thing happens to AI. If we provide the study material to learn, they learn from it and create something new.

In a conclusion, I can say that AI has the potential to become a creative partner or solo creator.

How can we use them for Transformative Creativity?

According to Researcher Margaret A. Boden, she described 3 types of creative idea generation processes.

  1. Combinational Creativity
  2. Exploratory Creativity
  3. Transformative Creativity

Combinational Creativity is the generation of new ideas through the combination of old ideas. Where the old ideas are already in your brain, and the focus of neuroscientific research is on the brain activity that leads to making those connections. Where AI already has the potential to acquire this creative skill.

Exploratory creativity is without knowing what the outcome will be, and curiosity for the unexpected will lead to ideas that could not have been generated through simple combinations of old ideas already in your brain. I might say that originality is coming through these creativity(combinational, exploratory, transformational) but mainly in exploratory creativity, the originality is coming.

Transformational creativity is changing the rules of the game. We need to ignore a rule(that rule may prevent the generation of new ideas) and try to think about what would happen if the rule doesn’t exist. It is like “thought not bound by rules”.

In a conclusion, I can say that it is hard to achieve but has a chance to it. Because AI learns from given data and is possible to create something new but the environment is still the same. (For example, I gave 1000pictures data to train data. Ai can create something original pictures from training. But can’t go beyond the framework of learning material. They can’t create music while learning picture images.) But if we combine some of the machine learning, there is a possibility to make something by breaking the rule.

Group work project: Can AI suggest a picture book front page?

How do you imagine people will use these technologies 20 years from now?

It is conceivable that artificial intelligence could collaborate with humans. As an example, I would like to take the subject of painting. Currently, the technology to create images and music from text is already in practical use. Although some people may take a critical view that the development of AI will take away our jobs, I do not necessarily believe that AI can do 100% of the work. For example, AI automation is good at simple things, but for complex things, it takes longer and is not as accurate. One positive aspect of coexistence with AI is that the role of human designers may also evolve if AI is able to draw images and designs. As AI may replace drawing skills, the ability to distinguish between good and not-so-good work will become important. We believe that there will necessarily be a wide variety, with some people preferring AI creativity and others preferring human creativity. We also believe that people with less art and design skills will be able to develop their own creative products through artificial intelligence with less effort.

The impact of this will be the creation of packaging and designs that have never existed before and offer new value. In conclusion, the development of AI will create critical aspects in addition to positive ones. However, since we cannot be 100% satisfied with anything, I believe that the biggest challenge and necessary factor for development are how to bring the critical aspect to a positive one. 20 years in the future, I believe that this problem will be solved and a mechanism will be created that will allow us to coexist with artificial intelligence. We believe that there will be an evolved version of what we call the IoT today (perhaps a smart city?).

What is the implication of these models on the future of human creativity/employment/life in general?

I believe they will facilitate human creativity. I believe that artificial intelligence will also make suggestions through learning and will present analysis and results with prerequisite knowledge. I believe that humans will be able to take this and use it for new creative development. We also believe that it will be possible to find new value through the unique creativity of artificial intelligence.

In terms of employment, we believe that jobs that can be solved by automation (labor-intensive businesses such as call center operations may disappear) will disappear, and new jobs will be created that will challenge people to do new things. In other words, we believe that jobs that “increase demand” will increase in the future, such as those that uncover new needs, or those that make full use of software to meet those new needs and materialize them as Internet services.

In the future of life in general, we believe that various products will be operated by AI, making life easier even for the elderly. We believe that the future will be safer and less prone to accidents related to traffic and transportation, as many things will be automated. However, because automation means that people will be monitored in some way, there will also be critical aspects such as invasion of privacy and lack of personal space, so it will be important to address privacy invasion by artificial intelligence.

Toyota Smart City(Woven City)

Overall, we can expect various benefits from the existence and coexistence of artificial intelligence. In addition, it is expected to reduce stress and pressure on people because it is expected to reduce the number of hard jobs and dangerous environments compared to the past. However, there are some disadvantages such as invasion of privacy, so I believe that policies for coexistence will need to be formulated in the future. However, I predict that the coexistence of artificial intelligence will lead to a safer city.

Any issues of data biases?

Bias in data occurs when results cannot be broadly generalized. We often think of bias due to preferences and exclusions in training data, but bias can also be introduced by the way data is acquired, the way algorithms are designed, and the way AI output is interpreted. I believe that artificial intelligence is subject to bias because it uses the same mechanism as the brain, which makes it difficult to express mathematical formulas and does not necessarily mean that the algorithm is correct.

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