With out a belief in miracles, widespread disaster and sadness will increase. Here’s why.

Keira Poulsen
Keira Poulsen
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2017


In a world filled with insane tragedy and heartache I feel like many people believe that




Or are they?

It is time that we wake up and heal this epidemic of hopelessness.

Most of us do not live in a world where we see miracles occur in our daily lives.

Instead we live in a world where hopelessness is on every street corner, and its slimy aftertaste lingers on the words that fall out of the mouths of people.

There is a deep resounding flavor of despair that seems to stick to the wounds of people, everywhere.

If you pick up a newspaper, listen to the radio, or turn on the news, hopeless titles and stories echo through the air.

Where are the stories of faith?

Where are the lives being healed?

When was the last time you heard the newscaster share the latest miracle or the upcoming story of faith?

Almost never.


Faith is dormant.


Hope is dead.

Unless you decide to awaken the tools that have called forth the most miraculous of miracles.

Faith and hope.

Both of which on their own have power, but when united and used together, they have a strength that outweighs the darkest of times.

I often think of my husband’s power tools. Mostly because they fill our three-car garage and also because I love to watch him use these tools to create furniture out of wood.

As I was walking through my garage, my thoughts led me to the planer. This is one of the more important tools when building a dining table.

There are 2 pieces that make this tool work:

1)The actual mechanisms of the tool.


The planer cannot do its job on its own. And electricity alone cannot complete the job.

But with BOTH; the job is accomplished and the intention fulfilled.

I believe that this pertains to miracles.

Faith alone is not enough. But with HOPE they are miraculous together.

Hope extinguishes the doubt and fear that plagues most of us.

It is the rope that miraculously shows up when you are in the deepest of holes. It is the escape route out of darkness.

Hope fills you with light and the promise that anything is possible.

Faith is the ACTION part. Faith is YOU choosing to walk forward into the unknown and taking the step, when there is no clear path ahead of you.

I’m a God girl. Which means I am a big believer in God. He has shaped who I am and is a prominent figure in my life.

But you don’t need to believe in God to access miracles.

What is so beautiful about miracles is, by stepping into the realm of hope and faith, miracles are brought forth.

Miracles change lives. Miracles can change the world.

I’m not talking about raising someone from the dead or healing cancer. Although, I’m not opposed to either, as a believer I would say that I would like to believe that both could be possible.

But I’m talking about waking up to the miracles that already happen in your life. As you do so, your faith and hope will return and miracles will sprinkle down. Until soon, miracles will shower you and your life.

The dimness that seems to cover the world you live in will be replaced with light.

Joy will begin to sprout seeds into your days and into your relationships.

As you live in a world of miracles, those around you will begin to see them as well.

Healing will occur. This epidemic will dissipate. And miracles will return.

One human at a time.

If there was ever a time that needed miracles, I would dare say that


Is that time.

Call To Action

To access miracles, I believe we must begin by healing and creating. In my new book, “The Hidden Gifts Within the Trauma of Sexual Abuse,” I share my own personal experiences of how I began to heal and create. I would love to give you my first chapter for free.

Click here to get your free chapter!

And if you want more… follow along with me on Instagram @ Keira Poulsen



Keira Poulsen
Keira Poulsen

Keira is a spiritual entrepreneurship coach, and the founder of Freedom House Publishing Co. She helps women write, publish and create successful businesses.