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Keith Hennessey
Keith Hennessey
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Responding to some of President Obama’s Medicare claims

Let’s examine a few quotes from President Obama’s weekly address, which this week is about Medicare.

THE PRESIDENT: I saw how important things like Medicare and Social Security were in…

America’s entitlement spending problem

I want to highlight two points from the Reports of the Social Security and Medicare Trustees, released Tuesday.

Point 1: If you do not change Social Security’s promised benefit payouts you would need to set aside $23.2 trillion today to…

Understanding Cut, Cap, and Balance

Sometime this week the House of Representatives will consider Rep. Jason Chaffetz’ H.R. 2560, the “Cut, Cap & Balance Act.”

We are entering the arcane world of budget process, so this could be tough sledding. I will do my best to distill the…

Secretary Geithner’s budget speech, part 2

Yesterday I praised Treasury Secretary Geithner for three elements of the fiscal policy speech he gave at the Harvard Club of New York this past Tuesday.

  1. Future budget deficits are caused in part by both demographics and rising…