Command line apps

Keith Yap
Published in
1 min readApr 5, 2017

The following are apps I’ve developed that currently only run from the command line. Many thanks to the excellent CS50 course for guidance with these.

  • Caesar in C — Encrypts a user defined phrase using the caesar cypher method, and using a key that the user defines
  • Vigenere in C — Encrypts a user defined phrase using the vigenere cypher method, and using a key that the user defines
  • Crack in Python — Cracks a simple password that has been encrypted using the inbuilt crypt function
  • Game of Fifteen in C — Implements a playable version of the ‘game of fifteen
  • Resize in C — resizes a BMP image by the proportion that the user defines
  • Recover in C — recovers JPG images from a forensic image of a memory card
  • Speller in C — a program that spell checks text files of any length, returning a list of misspelled words, utilising a trie memory structure for speed

