Dog Lover

Broken? But You Said I Was Perfect!

Lesson 88: You are not a misfit, and you don’t need fixing


Dog wearing a cone around its head
Keke finds her new halo a little distracting

As Keke left off in last week’s blog post in Keke’s Guide to Training Your Humans, not all naps are a welcome relief. Following is her story of an unbidden nap…

This week, Mommy and Daddy took me to the “Misfit Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic.” The name is wrong on so many levels I don’t know where to begin.

Thanks to the editors of Finn’s World for publishing this week’s blog post for Keke’s Guide to Training Your Human. Please click the link below to read the remainder of the story:

Please direct any applause or comments to the linked story above. Thank you!



Keke Van Camp
Keke’s Guide to Training Your Human

Keke is a Biewer Terrier puppy who writes Keke's Guide to Training Your Human. No need to follow her - follow Keke's Guide instead.