Ancestor Healing Practices Podcast with Ashley Devers

Kelly Dignan
Kelly Dignan
1 min readApr 11, 2020

Ashley Devers with Space Between Two Worlds interviews me about ancestors on her podcast which she calls “The Bard”.

Listen here

Watch here:

Show Notes:

I’m not a native of Colorado or America; I’m fourth generation born and raised in Colorado, but not a native

Amnesia and anesthesia

Grief and joy — authentically feeling both and not rushing through grief

Not romanticizing our ancestors — they may have been colonizers, oppressors, racists and addicts

Noticing those patterns so as not to repeat them

Sensing into the gifts from the ancestors so you can embrace them and pass them on

Ancestor healing practices for white folx

Stories about my own ancestral lines

Rituals that help bring it all home in this physical world

We are ancestors in the making

Hurt people hurt people; metabolizing our pain so we don’t hurt others

We we are wired for belonging; we have choice about who and what we belong to — old patterns, or the gifts of our lines?

Midwives and death doulas — companions through the chaos

We are in a Great Turning like Joanna Macy describes

It is a time for birthing something new, which is certain to be painful and messy. We can be death doulas for the death of our culture as it is, and we can be midwives during rebirth into something much more sustainable.

Each of us will need companions for our own journey, too

About Kelly

