One day (year) more…

Kelly J. Rose
Kelly J. Rose was here
2 min readJan 1, 2013

So, 2012 has passed and 2013 is here.

Exciting times to be had by all. Last year much happened in my life, I got married, my wonderful team at Panda Robotics finished the Pandabot Alpha and we incorporated, Panda Rose grew a little (Hello Steve!), and I found out that I will soon be a father. Lots of great fantastic news, and sadly, also it’s share of bad news.

But that’s all passed, and like any stuff that has been used up it’s time to toss it down the chute.

[caption id=”” align=”aligncenter” width=”320"]

Garbage Chute

Down the chute we go![/caption]

2013 will be exciting, not just for Panda Robotics (Beta and release coming!) and Panda Rose (immix on the Raspberry Pi looks like a go and immix api-keys are in place and almost ready for general release), but for my family and life in general.

I know that with God’s guidance and a lot of hard work from my friends, coworkers and family, this will be a great year for everyone, regardless of what happens.

God bless, and good luck!


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