Copy/Paste in Quick Look on MacOS

Ken Lai
Ideas Switching
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2016

Quick Look, which is triggered by tapping space bar, of Mac OS system is the first feature that has impressed me since I switched from Windows to Mac years ago. This feature has saved me uncountable time for my from opening applications to open a file. Here is how to do copy/paste in quick look if you want to make it more powerful.

But the default setting does’t allow you to select the quick looked file. After a quick googling, I found a command could change this setting:

defaults write QLEnableTextSelection -bool TRUE; killall Finder

Your Finder will relaunch after entering the above command in terminator. Just about one second, you can select the contend in Quick Look.

Now you can do some copy/paste in the QL window by shortcut keys since the right button menu is still disabled.

PS: if you want to disable this feature, just replace TRUE in above command into FALSE. It will be applied after relaunch.

