One way that really improves your English

Ken Lai
Ideas Switching
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2016

I was not good at English since I was in the middle school, studied hard just to get a pass of exam and a better chance of getting into better university. But had waited for a long time after my undergraduate, I started to learn English and tried to be good at using it when I switched my career path into network industry.

There were lots of different training facilities and groups with various flamboyant word for similar plans, some experienced people tried to give ideas, methods working for them — how to understand long sentences, how to remember words, how to speak more natively, etc. The methods were so redundant and I thought the core is missing.

To know the core method to improve English ability, the first thing is to know what do you want for it. If you need to get 6s in IELTS in next month while you are 5 on average, I think the short-term sprint like training plans are the best. If your goal is having a fluent English, they are not even should be a choice.

Besides the fancy methods on the internet, one thing should always be reminded in your mind, which is to think improving English as a long term target and plan it within years. It’s not possible to really achieve your goal in a month, so break them down into pieces and make a plan reasonably. Say you want to watch English movies without subtitles, you can make sure you have 3000 for your vocabulary in the first year, then 6000 for the second, 9000, 12000 and so on. Also making them as bite size for everyday practice like write 500 words translate a 300 words video every week.

One last point is to forget others, only stay with your pace. Other people is somehow always better than you in all aspect in other people’s view. Forget them and focus on yourself, because you are doing this for yourself.

