Team Building

Kendyl Anderson
2 min readDec 14, 2018

We all have that one person on our team that just doesn’t want to be, well, apart of the team. A whole entire team getting along is rare, more like impossible. Getting along is difficult not going to lie. Not everyone is going to like each other. Me personally I am a jokester, I can throw out jokes with even knowing I’m talking. Which can cause a problem where I can be hurtful to someone’s feelings. When someone is feeling hurt my comments, it causes a spilt in the team. Last high school season I considered the “team bully”, I couldn’t comprehend why people thought of me this way. I only ever try to make people laugh and makes them have a enjoyable team around me.

I later sat on my bed and thought about what I could’ve said to hurt these girls. And then a thought came to be me, I didn’t even know much of anything about these girls. We never had a night or even practice of just getting to know each other. When it came to logic of the girls, I was clueless. Absolutely. CLUELESS. We needed to get to know one in other badly. I felt horrible about not knowing more about my teammates. I felt like I wasn’t being a player that was completely all in for her sport. Team building and knowing your teammates is almost as important as knowing your plays and your game. We spent time with each other and just got to know one and other. You never think about how everyone is different in so many ways. Without team building everyone remains distant from each other and that doesn’t tend to work well in games.

