
Influencers are taking over simply because they’ve got the power to gain followings in tremendous flocks like musical artist-fan armies Beliebers and Swifties. My best friend and I have conversations all the time about how we’ve missed our opportunity to hope on the bandwagon and start a YouTube channel nearly 8 years ago. Just think, by now Mauria and I could be traveling the world as the best friend dynamic duo there ever was. But, I’ve observed that becoming an influencer in terms is far from easy and those who thrive in this industry are young adults and millennials around my age who have found their niche talent and have accumulated a target audience that clings onto them.

I haven’t followed many celebrity-social influencers but a few that I believe are thriving on this path are, YouTubers, Chaz Smith, Mike Todd, Morgan Brown and Jamie-Grace Harper. Whether their niche is a comedy, relationship, self-care, or faith-based, each of the influencers I mentioned above have all worked their way to the top because their passion and work ethic have contributed to much of their successes.

Aside from celebrity influencers that can be categorized as popular YouTube personalities, other celebrities influencers that inspire me are in the television and/ or music media industry. Filmmakers and TV creators, Tyler Perry, Ava and some of my favorite Christian music artists like Bethel Music easily encourage me to work at achieving my dreams and placing attention on my faith journey. Something great about the influencers I’ve mentioned so far is that I can engage with them on social media and access their content on a variety of platforms.

Finally, my family and friends are huge influencers in my life. Many of my friends are passionate about similar things as I am, and seeing them express themselves is such a fun and empowering thing to see. Then my parents, believe it or not, are powerhouse influencers online and I admire their intentionality in using social media, Facebook in particular as a form of reaching out to others to uplift and empower people in their networks.

