Snow Time

Nikhila Ravi
Kennedy Scholars
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2017

The past two weeks have been super busy! From conferences to snow days, to late night homework and even some cricket, every day has been a reminder of what a unique place I’m in.

Two weeks ago I caught up with some fellow Brits at a ‘Brexit Bitch’ session at the Kennedy School. Although the political situation here has given us plenty to talk about, it was interesting to hear everyone’s perspectives on the different issues at stake in the UK, like trade, immigration, and financial stability as well as hear about the work of some MPPs who were surveying the impact of Brexit on small and medium sized businesses in the UK.

Following on from my shopping week craziness, I decided to take a Philosophy class and I’m super excited by the opportunity to cross register at Harvard Law School. The class is on ‘The Conduct of Life in Eastern and Western philosophy’. So far we’ve read some works of Emerson, Rosseau and Kierkegaard and moving on to Chinese and Indian philosophers later in the semester. It’s going to be interesting to see what practical suggestions these philosophers offer on the question of ‘how to live your life’ (something that Bayesian Statistics cannot help with..!)

The homework situation had gotten a bit out of hand after a week of indecisive class choices and I had to spend a few late nights with friends catching up — it wouldn’t be a real grad student experience without these moments!

I finally got the Boston winter experience too — a full blown snow storm with thunder and lightning! I loved bundling up in a fluffy jacket and fur-lined wellies and walking around Harvard in the snow!

The Charles river frozen over and a snowy Harvard Yard
John Harvard feeling a bit chilly

Despite the weather, last weekend I volunteered at the Harvard India Conference, an annual student-run event by the Business School and the Kennedy School. The talks and panels were all focused on India’s role as a Global Growth Engine and featured some pretty high profile speakers. I really enjoyed an entrepreneurship panel with the founder of one of my favourite Indian brands (Chumbak), and series of inspirational talks including one from Manish Malhotra (managed to get a cheeky selfie with him too)!

One of my best friends from England, Claire, came to visit me over the same weekend! It was so nice to hang out in Boston and Cambridge and we found some great vegan and gluten free food!

All Crimson!

Taking off pretty much the whole weekend, the following week was a struggle — but I managed to get all my problem sets done somehow as always! ;) And had a long weekend to catch up and relax! I played lots of cricket with the Harvard Men’s team and i’ve really enjoyed getting back into doing batting and fielding drills — much needed preparation for a few MCC matches I have coming up this summer back home in England!

Next week is midterm week for two of my classes but I’ve got a Surrealist Art Society party and a Harvard Basketball game to look forward to later in the week!

