Letter To My Super-Friend Kenold Beauplan

Friendships Will Never Be The Same Without You

Jean Edouard Gustave
5 min readAug 7, 2020


Maybe you knew. Maybe you didn’t know. *Zafè Lòm Se Mistè. However this letter reaches you, know that it hasn’t been 24 hours yet and your absence is already too stabbing to endure.

Sometimes in life, you don’t ask questions. Whatever life throws at you, you catch them. You catch them not because you want to, but because you have to. Ken? I have not cried yet, but my muscles are twitching.

Oh, I posted a picture on SawPanse Instagram last night. I figured if you didn’t have anything to do, that’s what you would have been doing. On a side note, I know SawPanse.com was your long-time cherished project, I will keep it going. Your dream to entertain and to push Haitian artists to an international level will probably stay alive. It saddens me that you didn’t have a chance to see any real changes in the Haitian Movie Industry. You’ve worked your ass off for it.

My arrogance-wings has since been weakened. I will no longer be able to fly the same with those dreams without you. I can only promise I will keep working on Vweyo Venture Capital. That dream to help minorities to have access to capital to start their businesses is our most selfless business endeavor. I will slow down on market research to start working on the business structure. Maybe you could help me finish the market research if you have some free time wherever you are.

Vweyo LLC Business Entity. Currently active on Sunbiz.

I want to let you know that I‘m not upset about your departure because I’ve already told you everything. I had always told you how much of a great friend you were — are. I had always made sure that you knew you were a perfect human being with a beautiful soul. I had never ceased to tell you that you were — are the best dad to Kendra.

Ken and Kendra. Photo found on Facebook.

For years I’ve not spent a day without talking to you. Before the pandemic, every morning on our way to work and dropping our kids to school, we talked. For lunchtime, we spoke. After work, if I don’t call my brother in the Dominican Republic, I called you on my way back home.

In the midst of the pandemic, we zoomed almost every day. Three days before your trip to Angels’ Island, we were on zoom trying to figure some JavaScript out. Good news, I found the problem with the codes. The logic should’ve been that if the .overlay class is active, else the .nav and .logo classes should be hidden. And once the nav ul div is display: none; the search bar will take full width. But check this out, the real issue was that we didn’t target the whole <header>.

Here it is, bro. I simplified and resolved it in fewer lines.

Last Tuesday, I texted you to tell you I figured it out, but I didn’t hear from you. I thought it was a problem with your phone. It was weird to me because you always picked up my calls. On Wednesday, I sent you an email to make sure you were okay. You didn’t respond. Then Yesterday, I received a phone call from your number and the news was that you’ve left.

After our last day together on Zoom and last text Monday night
Maybe you didn’t have a chance to read this email
This is the second email I sent you when my calls went to voicemail

I know you wouldn’t leave if you didn’t have a reason to. As far as your daughter, I will always be there for every single milestone in her life. I know she’s the only person you are worried about right now. She’s very young. I’m sure her mom and your sister will take good care of her. Man, it’s sad. :(

I would have never thought today this could be a good-bye letter to you.

Ken, you have so many beautiful dreams. Your dream to have your own tech company is still valid. Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t wherever you are right now. I know one day you will still make it happen.

Man proposes, God disposes.

Ken and I in Miami working on méli mélo Business Expo
Ken and I at the méli mélo Business Expo last year

People have been talking about angels. You are now a real one. I don’t have a problem with you leaving spontaneously. My problems are that you won’t pick up your phone when I call. You will never text back. Middays you won’t text me “Ye, Sak cho” when you don’t hear from me. I will never be able to share dreams anymore, most people will think I’m insane.

When you don’t hear from me in less than 12 hours
Random conversations

There is no amount of words that can convey how we all will be missing you. Your daughter, your parents, your siblings, your cousins, and all your friends are devastated. But this is not the news I want to tell you. You would want to see everybody happy, but to tell you the truth, nobody is happy. Your departure was brusque. Yesterday, your sister told me you slapped her so hard with that decision. Maybe you knew, maybe you didn’t know. Whether or not you have a good reason to leave us, we will always be by your side wherever you go.

PS.- This won’t be the last letter. I will create a publication on Medium. Come back often, there’s always going to be a letter waiting for you, brother.

Very best,

Best-Friend, Jean



Jean Edouard Gustave

Front-End Designer by day. Dreamer by night. Writing about real life issues in the simplest ways. www.jeanegustave.com