On Gratitude — A Song & A Journey

Kenomola (The Letters)
2 min readOct 16, 2022

Dear Kenomola,

Listen to Asa’s song ‘Grateful’ while reading this.

The first time I heard Asa’s Grateful, I was in the rocky town of Abeokuta. I was in a car, admiring the rocks, and thinking about how beautiful and mystical it must have been for those who lived there many centuries ago. It was amazing to see houses with rocks beside them. Those rocks looked like they had always been. They were the real owners of the land, the omoniles, and the humans, with their houses and structures, were the aliens.

There was something perfect at that moment, it was ordinary, yet it was momentous. It was the coming together of many novelties made new by my ignorance.

Asa’s voice was soft, like a teasing sunrise, crooning

Lyrics To Grateful by Asa (Spotify)

“The ants on the floor, the sun and the moon, the domestic and wild animals, those who have and those who don’t, are praising God on High…”

The wind caressed my skin. And my eyes — dark brown, but made a shade lighter by the sun’s soft rays, drank in the beauty that Abeokuta was.

I still think back to that trip, to all the amazing stories, Olumo Rock and the legend around it, and the famous families that have come forth from the land of the Egbas. Maybe it was imagined, but I really do think that Abeokuta is a special special place.

Maybe it was just the Lagos boy in me. But seeing rocks dwelling next to people, seeing the landscape so natural and untouched, learning about the rich history of that town, and to cap it all, hearing for the first time in my life, one of the most beautiful songs by Asa ever. All those things made Abeokuta special.

Even now, when I listen to Grateful, I am transported to that trip, to the land of the Egbas. Once again, I am in that car, staring at the rocks, feeling safe, despite the huge rocks looming around me, with the bright blue sky, the soft caress of the wind and Asa’s voice to keep me company.

