Daniel Cooper
Kentucky Promise
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2017


Kentucky’s most influential son, Abraham Lincoln

Kentucky is a state with a long history, and since its birth 10 years before Kentucky’s statehood, Lexington has had a front row seat. The best and the worst of Kentucky’s storied past have happened right here in our streets.

More than 1 in 5 Kentuckians live in either Lexington or Louisville according to current census data. If anyone knows Kentucky, we do.

Kentucky’s metro cities don’t claim to be better than their rural counterparts, they are simply unwilling to settle for the status quo. They are also not alone — Kentucky cities like Morehead, Vicco, Midway, Danville, Covington and our very own capitol of Frankfort have all also passed ordinances protecting citizens from discrimination.

Bowling Green could join the ranks of modern American cities by passing a similar fairness ordinance, at which point it would be welcome to join the protest to General Becerra requesting exemption from his travel ban.

Louisville, Lexington, and Bowling Green grow together.

(source: opendatanetwork.com)

Feel changes in the economy together.

(source: opendatanetwork.com)

Benefit from Obamacare together.

(source: opendatanetwork.com)

Surely we can work together.

Kentucky was born from the idea that we are stronger together than we are apart, and the motto of our great Commonwealth has never been more pertinent than now. In order to succeed, economically, culturally, and yes, morally, we must stand united or we will fall.

If beling an elitist is believing that everyone deserves respect; believing that a diverse population encourages a diverse and stable economy; voting for people who represent our ideals for our city, state and nation; if it’s fighting for a minimum wage that we can actually survive on; fighting for health coverage for those who can’t afford it; working to educate our children with the highest standards. Then friend, call me an elitst.

In his letters from Birmingham Jail, Dr. King extolled the virtues of standing for what is right; “I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and willingly accepts the penalty… is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.”

Lexington and Louisville are on the side of Dr. King — on the side of history.

Shouldn’t Kentucky be?

