Kenya Model United Nations
Kenya Model United Nations
2 min readJun 19, 2022
Photo by Steve DiMatteo on Unsplash

This one is a little closer to my heart. Yes, I’m sure you’ve guessed it, I am a ‘daddy’s girl. From the very first memory I have from childhood to date, I honestly have more than a million things to be thankful for, though let’s shed some light on the man behind the man.

For those who have had a father present in their lives, whichever male person filled the role, I’m sure you all have learned something from them every day.

For those who have had an absent father, you have learned something too.

A father is a very important figure. From teaching you how to ride a bike, to catching you when you fall, to teaching you how to laugh and learn from your mistakes.

My question is do you know the sacrifices he’s had to make? Most of us only demand things from our fathers because they might be the providers and we often feel obligated to receive, receive and receive.

What happens when dad walks out that door to go to work? Does he have a demanding boss? Did he lose his job? How does he cope when he can not provide? How does he cope when he’s forced to say no because he can’t not because he won’t?

A man is a very simple being, as most people say. But his pride as a man comes when he can provide for his family and see smiles on their faces when they’re all healthy and catered for.

With the current rise in the economy, have you stopped to ask yourself how dad is doing? Do you honestly respect him?

To all the men/boys out there who think their dad is slacking I hope when you’re a father in the future you do better and that you’ll understand the pressure of being a father.

To all the women performing both gender roles thank you. Just like those mums I barely understand the pressure of being a father all I know is that I adore mine and he was the first love I ever experienced. I try to look at the pure joy in his eyes when he takes his family out for a good dinner and I also see the hurt in his eyes when he has to take one of his daughters to the hospital and I see how the helplessness brings him close to tears.

If you have a father who shows up in whatever way he can please tell him thank you because maybe you don’t understand the toll it takes on him physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Thank you to all those people who fill the father role in our lives.

By Carolyne Ngugi.



Kenya Model United Nations
Kenya Model United Nations

Student run, youth led, non-governmental organization affiliated to the United Nations Information Centre at United Nations Office in Nairobi.