Kenya Travel Guide

Born Free: Elsa the Lioness

The beautiful story of an orphaned lion cub who was taught by wildlife conservationists to survive on her own.

Ashley McIlroy
Kenya Travel Guide
Published in
8 min readFeb 26, 2020


Photo by Geran de Klerk on Unsplash

New Beginnings

On February 1st, 1956, George Adamson, the Indian-born Brit and Senior Wildlife Warden of the Northern Frontier District of Kenya’s wildlife department was engaged in an aggressive confrontation with a lioness. George, a wildlife conservationist, was forced to kill the lioness out of self-defence when she charged him. Unbeknownst to George, the lioness’ aggressive behaviour was due to the nearby presence of her three cubs.

“She was a big lioness in the prime of life, her teats swollen with milk. It was only when he saw this that George realized why she had been so angry and faced them so courageously. Then he blamed himself for not having recognized earlier that her behaviour showed that she was defending her litter.”

— Joy Adamson, Born Free

Shortly afterward, George and his wife, Joy, discovered the lioness’ young cubs. Realizing that he had orphaned three lion cubs and that death was imminent without their mother’s presence, George and Joy took it upon themselves to adopt and raise the cubs.



Ashley McIlroy
Kenya Travel Guide

Ash is a freelance writer with a passion for animals, humanitarianism, and travel. She has a B.A. in Political Science and resides in Canada with her family.