KeplerJs Geostatistical plugin
Statistics on data and users are a very important part of a social platform. This article describes which tools have been developed to control and analyze some quantitative aspects of the KeplerJs platform.
This article is work in progress…
2 April 2018 (charts integration)
Homepage redesign integrates data generated from official demo.
The data is produced by the new plugin keplerjs:stats
A new experimental plugin that allows you to publish through a REST interface some aggregated geostatistical data coming directly from the platform’s database, preserving user’s privacy.
The plugin produces statistics that highlights the social activity of users and published places, based on Geostats for statistical classification.
Rate to each one a importance value based on various parameters.
Places parameters:
- users rating
- conversations
- users checkins
- history visits
Users parameters:
- rated places
- friends
- conversations
- created places
- history visits
The visual result of the processing of these parameters can be visualized in an interactive map that allows to represent the distribution of data and users on a global level, the case study is that of the official demo of KeplerJs that counted at the moment a hundred subscribers verified in constant growth.