Calling all QLC holders….

Elzaphany Wong
Kepple (previously QLC Chain)
1 min readJun 22, 2018

Hello! I hope you’ve been having a great week.

If you haven’t heard…. We’ve completed the Alpha phase of our Public Chain and have successfully expanded our Block Lattice to support multi-token transfer — which we’re now calling multidimensional Block Lattice structure.

We’re VERY EXCITED about this! Our aim is to build a platform and ecosystem where users can build network related dAPPS and profit from our public chain too.

So starting on Monday, June 25th 2 pm UTC … we’re inviting QLC holders to register for an opportunity to participate in our multi-token transfer test. To participate, register and verify your wallet through our website and we will contact you by the end of July to let you know if you’re in!

One more thing! On June 30th, we will release the anonymous wallet ranking and reward the Top 30 as well as 20 random QLC holders with secret gifts ;) AND the First Place QLC holder will be winning a Huawei P20 smartphone.

If you want to learn more about our multidimensional Block Lattice structure, read our Yellow Paper!

Have a great weekend! And don’t forget to register on Monday.

