QLC led MEF’s first approved DLT framework — DLT-based Commercial and Operational Service Framework — Billing proposal

Kepple (previously QLC Chain)
3 min readOct 30, 2020

QLC Chain is happy to announce that the proposal to develop a new MEF standard “DLT-based Commercial and Operational Service Framework — Billing” was approved by the MEF membership this week in the MEF 4Q2020 members meeting. The project proposal was the result of a MEF Incubation Group initiated by QLC Chain. The approved project will eventually result in the the first Distributed Ledger Technology focused standards project within MEF with Dr. Andreas Freund from QLC Chain and Daniel Bar-Lev from MEF as its co-editors. The project has broad industry support with contributors ranging from telecom service providers such as Sparkle and Colt, to solution providers such as Amartus and R3. In parallel to the standardization work, a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) — MEF3.0 POC (130) — led by QLC Chain is being set up to prove how telecom service providers utilizing the emerging MEF standard can realize the tremendous benefits of DLTs in error reduction and automation of commercial processes between enterprises in a reliable and repeatable manner.

“This project is tremendously exciting because it is the first commercial enterprise standard on how to realize the benefits of distributed ledger technology for commercial processes between enterprises. And, at the same time, demonstrate the viability and value of such a standard in the real world through a pilot implementation of the standard”, remarked Dr. Andreas Freund, one of the project leads and advisor to QLC Chain.

“MEF attaches a great deal of importance to introducing the standards for the use of DLT for billing and settlement into the digital service provider market which is led by many of our 120+ service provider members. MEF is very happy to have QLC Chain playing a central and invaluable role as a MEF member by bringing DLT expertise and telecom use cases into the MEF membership and specifically to this new standards project.” added Daniel Bar-Lev, VP of Programs for MEF and project co-lead.

About QLC Chain

QLC Chain is to resolve the data trust and security problem in the communication industry, it provides network automation of billing/reconciliation/settlement/payment/custody to telecom operators utilising blockchain technology.

QLC Chain offers telecom operators with inter-carrier connection and financial consultancy services as well.

From the ledger structure perspective: QLC Chain supports each account to have its own chain of ledger integrated with telecom service capabilities, named the multi-dimensional block-lattice structured ledger.

From an adoption scenario perspective: QLC Chain’s mission is to create a secure and trusted environment for communication services and to narrow down the digital divide by leveraging Distributed Ledger Technology, enabling everyone to operate and benefit from network services.

QLC Chain solution suite includes:

  1. A blockchain-based DoD (Data on demand) platform to process inter-carrier settlements in a trustable, auditable and automated manner and enable frictionless on demand commerce and federated network for information and communications service providers
  2. A blockchain-based A2P SMS settlement platform with its product suite including an A2P SMS settlement solution; Anti-SMS swap solution, and QLC Chain soft-sim identity for IoT devices.
  3. A blockchain-based DID (Decentralized ID) communication authentication solution which is intended to authenticate, authorize, and access blockchain identities and security properties in network service such as SD-WAN/MPLS/cellular network/5G slicing network.
  4. A solution that enables enterprises and operators to use crypto wallet and stable coin payment for supply chain.

Learn more about QLC Chain https://qlcchain.org/



Kepple (previously QLC Chain)

Kepple (previously QLC Chain) Brings Web3 features on the BNB Chain to Social Media platforms through an All-In-One Extension