Implementing SLI/SLO based Continuous Delivery Quality Gates using Prometheus

Jürgen Etzlstorfer
Published in
6 min readApr 6, 2020

Google’s Book on Site Reliability Engineering has been a catalyst to have SRE’s, Performance and DevOps Engineers, or Cloud Operations incorporate the concept of

  • Service Level Indicators (SLIs), e.g: 95th percentile of your service’s response time
  • Service Level Objectives (SLOs), e.g: response time must not exceed 200ms during peak load

These concepts are great in production monitoring to ensure your organization meets your Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with your business. What we have seen is that the same concepts start “shifting-left” into the continuous delivery pipeline. To be more concrete: organizations start evaluating every build against their SLOs and let the result act as a Quality Gate before a build is promoted to production. Here is an example of 4 SLIs, their SLOs and how each build gets a total score based on the individual SLO results — determining whether the build is good enough to pass the quality gate:

SLO-based quality gate evaluation of 4 subsequent builds

When deploying workloads on Kubernetes, Prometheus comes to mind for capturing the values defined in your SLIs. The missing component now is an implementation that automatically retrieves all SLIs from a data source such as Prometheus, validates it against the SLOs and calculates an overall score that we can use for a quality gate.

This is where the open-source project Keptn comes in: an event-based control plane for continuous delivery and automated operations. At its core it uses SLIs and SLOs to enforce quality gates between delivery stages, to validate blue/green deployments and canary releases and to auto-remediate problems in production environments.

In this article we will focus on using Keptn for Continuous Delivery with Prometheus-based SLIs to evaluate quality gates. If you have existing delivery pipelines and you just want to integrate quality gates then have a look at an example we have here: Integrating Keptn Quality Gates with GitLab. If you are interested in automated operations and self-healing have a look at the tutorials on the Keptn Website.

But now let’s get started with building our quality gates based on Prometheus with Keptn!

Setting up and configuring Prometheus with Keptn

Keptn can be used to setup and configure Prometheus if not already running in your cluster. The setup process is described in full detail on the Keptn website, and basically consists of these steps:

  1. Download the Keptn CLI from Github or initiate the download via: curl -sL | sudo -E bash
  2. Install Keptn in your Kubernetes cluster via the Keptn CLI: keptn install --platform=[gke|aks|eks|openshift|...]
  3. Create a project for your application that you want to have your quality gates set up:
    keptn create project sockshop --shipyard=./sockshop.yaml
  4. Onboard your services you want to manage with Keptn:
    keptn onboard service shoppingcart --project=sockshop --chart=./shoppingcart
  5. Configure Prometheus for your services: keptn configure monitoring prometheus --project=sockshop --service=shoppingcart

Now that we have installed Keptn and configured Prometheus, it is time to define our SLIs and SLOs for the quality gates.

Setting up quality gates

Defintions of quality gates in Keptn are based on the idea of having service-level objectives (SLOs) consisting of multiple service level indicators (SLIs) that define arbitrary metrics you can query from data providers such as Prometheus. Keptn abstracts from the actual API calls how to retrieve the values of the SLIs and focusses on the definition of what the SLO should evaluate. Let me illustrate this on an example.

In the following snippet I’ve created a quality gate that can be automatically evaluated by Keptn and can be reused for different stages and different microservices as it does not hold any particular information about environments or services. The quality gates itself holds two objectives: 1) the reponse_time_p95 which is the the 95th percentile of the reponse time for the service and 2) the error_rate of the service. For the response time, the objective allows only a maximum increase of 25% to the previuous runs(see the number_of_comparison_results in the top of the quality gate) as well as an absolute threshold of 300ms. If both criteria are satisfied, this objective is fulfilled and getting the full score. However, I’ve also specified a warning criteria which means that a warning is issued (if within the boundaries of 600ms in this case) and the objective will be evaluated with half the score.

The second objective targets the error_rate which has to be lower or equal to 5 for the objective to be fulfilled. Since I consider the error rate as highly crucial I’ve defined this as a key SLI meaning that if this criteria is not met, the quality gate will fail in its whole. In this sense I have control which metrics are absolutely critical for my business and if quality criteria upon them are not met the rollout of the service has to be stopped.

spec_version: '0.1.1'
compare_with: "several_results"
number_of_comparison_results: 3
include_result_with_score: "pass"
aggregate_function: avg
- sli: response_time_p95
- criteria:
- "<=+25%" # relative values
- "<300" # absolute values
- criteria:
- "<=600"
- sli: error_rate
- criteria:
- "<=5"
key_sli: true # if not met, evaluation fails
- sli: throughput
- sli: response_time_p50
pass: "90%"
warning: "75%"

Well, how can this quality gate be evaluated? There are no API calls to Prometheus nor is a service to evaluate defined? The answer lies in the combination of a GitOps approach and Keptn built-in functionalities: first, following a GitOps approach, all its configuration files are version-controlled and managed in a Git repository. Each application (consisting of multiple microservices) has its own repository and folders and branches are used to distinguish between different microservices in different environments (e.g., dev, hardening, production). Second, Keptn has a built-in library for the most common service-level indicators (SLIs) such as response time, failure rate and throughput that is also easily extendible. Having this library allows us to write quality gates based on SLOs — without necessarily being an expert in Prometheus queries. Furthermore, it allows to switch the underlying monitoring tool and gather data from a different source, but still keeping the same quality gates in place.

Going into more technical detail, these are the actual Prometheus queries that have been executed, but again, using Keptn there is no need in being a Prometheus query expert:

  • response_time_p95: histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(http_response_time_milliseconds_bucket{job='<service>-<project>-<stage>-canary'}[<test_duration_in_seconds>s])) by (le))
  • response_time_p50: histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(rate(http_response_time_milliseconds_bucket{job='<service>-<project>-<stage>-canary'}[<test_duration_in_seconds>s])) by (le))
  • error_rate: sum(rate(http_requests_total{job="<service>-<project>-<stage>-canary",status!~'2..'}[<test_duration_in_seconds>s]))/sum(rate(http_requests_total{job="<service>-<project>-<stage>-canary"}[<test_duration_in_seconds>s]))
  • throughput: sum(rate(http_requests_total{job="<service>-<project>-<stage>-canary"}[<test_duration_in_seconds>s]))

Evaluation of Quality Gates

Let us now take a look how Keptn evaluates the quality gates: Once Keptn is triggered either by the user or a CI/CD tool, it reaches out to the SLI provider, which in our case is Prometheus and all SLIs defined in the quality gates will be queried for a given timeframe. This timeframe can be user-defined or in case Keptn also triggers a test execution the time span of the test runs will be used. Next Keptn will evaluate the metrics either against the absolute thresholds or to relatively to previuous runs. Once the score is generated Keptn returns the results in the format of a Cloud Event (an open-source specification for describing event data in a common way, part of the CNCF). This allows that results can also be processed by external tools. Even Integrations for Slack, MS Teams, etc to get notified about the deployment validation are available.

Evaluation process of a quality gate

All evaluation runs and results are also visualized in the Keptn’s Bridge as you can see in the following screenshot. In our simple example below, I have triggered 4 runs in total with run 1 and 2 passing the quality gate while number 3 did not pass the quality gate (indicated in red) and build number 4 was acceptable but raised a warning for the response time that did not fully met the quality check.

Evaluation of a quality gate

How to get started!

Now it is time for you to implement SLO-based continuous delivery quality gates based on your Prometheus data. It is easy to get started with Keptn — head over to and get the latest release, install it in your Kubernetes cluster, and define your quality gates based on your SLOs! We are eager to hear from you — shoot us a message in our Keptn Slack or let us know via Twitter how your quality gates are improving the quality of your software to your end-users!

