Join us for the Keptn Community Day!

Oleg Nenashev
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2022

Ready for the Keptn Community Day 2020 at Kubecon | CloudNativeCon? This is the first-ever full-day. Make sure not to miss it! Everyone is welcome to join!

The event provides a place for maintainers, contributors, and users of Keptn to come together and discuss Keptn’s state and future evolution. Join us for a day of community roundtables and discussion groups on Keptn, integrations, and interoperability with other tools from the Cloud Native Landscape!


No registration is needed if you're at Kubecon. Bookmark the event in the conference schedule (link), and then just come to Room 331 ABC on October 25th at 9:00 am EDT

Keptn Community Day Banner


  • 9:00–10:00 | Keptn — State of the Union. Let’s celebrate the incubating status and other achievements this year!
  • 10:00–12:00 | Keptn Workshop for beginners — Andreas Grabner
  • 12:00–13:00 | Lunch
  • 13:00–13:30 | Driving innovation with Keptn and Interoperability — Brad McCoy, Sergio Méndez
  • 13:30–14:00 | Best of Keptn User Adoption Stories — Andreas Grabner
  • 14:00–14:30 | Continuous Reliability with Keptn. How? — Ana Margarita Medina
  • 14:30–14:45 | What’s Happening with Keptn Documentation? — Meg McRoberts
  • 14:45–15:00 | Break
  • 15:00–15:30 | What’s next for Keptn? Rethinking day 2 operations — Alois Reitbauer
  • 15:30–16:00 | Keptn Lifecycle Controller — Thomas Schuetz
  • 16:00–17:00 | Wrap-up

More info and links

For more information and all the materials, check out the Keptn Day Community planning doc. We plan to publish the slides for all talks and recordings for some of them on our YouTube channel. Other talks will be redone as webinars. Subscribe to them here.


Thanks to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and Dynatrace for supporting the event! Also, thanks to Thomas Schuetz for bringing in our Keptn mascot!

A dog in a Keptn t-shirt in the front of the Keptn agenda



Oleg Nenashev
Writer for

Oleg is a community builder, FOSS and Open Hardware advocate working at the Dynatrace OSPO. He is a TOC chair in the CDF, and a Jenkins and Keptn maintainer.