Xcode, Swift: A Guide to High-Performance Networking

Yeskendir Salgara
Published in
8 min readMay 28, 2024


In this article, we will explore techniques to reduce network delays in your Swift applications, leveraging various optimization strategies and best practices.

Xcode, Swift: A Guide to High-Performance Networking


  • Theory
  • Measuring & Analyzing
  • Practice


Network delays, often referred to as latency, can occur due to various factors, including network congestion, server response times, and the efficiency of the communication protocols used. Optimizing these factors can help reduce latency and improve the overall performance of your app.

Network delays can severely impact the performance and user experience of an application. When users interact with an app, they expect quick and seamless responses. Network delays, often referred to as latency, can cause significant frustration and lead to a negative perception of the app. Understanding and mitigating these delays is crucial for delivering a high-quality user experience.

Components of Network Delay

Network delay is influenced by several factors, each contributing to the overall latency experienced by the user. The key components of network delay include:

  • Processing Time

