Kerning Company
Kerning Company
Published in
4 min readMay 6, 2016


Time to put the final touches on the draft that has been burning a hole in your writing folder. With spring finally here, there’s a whole new set of writing contests and deadlines to get you paid and published.

Raymond Carver Short Story Contest

Fee: $17 | Deadline: May 15th | Word Limit: 6,000

Carve Magazine’s annual short story top prize offers $1,500.00 and publication in an issue of Carve. The awardee is selected by guest judge Caitlin Horrocks, whose stories and essays have appeared in The New Yorker, The Best American Short Stories 2011, One Story, and Tin House.

For more information and to submit, visit:

Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction

Fee: $30 | Deadline: May 31st | Word Range: 40,000–75,000

From the University of Georgia Press, the O’Connor Award for Short Fiction is for short story collections that can include longer short stories and novellas. Novels are not permitted for entry. After a round of review 7–10 finalists are read by series editor Lee K. Abbott, author of All Things, All at Once. The one winning manuscript author receives a cash award of $1,000.00 and their collection is subsequently published by the Georgia Press under a standard book contract. Published and unpublished authors alike are eligible for the award.

For more information and to submit, visit:

Women on Writing Flash Fiction Contest

Deadline: May 31st | Word Limit: 750

The WOW! quarterly writing contest is available for all authors and is open to all genres. The first place prize awards a cash prize of $350.00, entry publication in WOW! and an interview on the magazine’s website. The editorial team also offers judging feedback and reviews to authors that submit to help strengthen pieces for future submissions.

For more information and to submit, visit:

Jeff Sharlet Memorial Award for Veterans

Deadline: June 1st | Page Limit: 20

This writing contest is for U.S. military veterans and active duty personnel. Hosted by The Iowa Review, this prestigious award offers a top prize of $1,000.00 alongside publication in the Spring 2017 issue of the Review. Second and third place prizes are offered as well, with awards in the amounts of $750.00 and $500.00, respectively. This year’s judge is Phil Klay, author of Redeployment and winner of the 2014 National Book Award for Fiction. Submitted work must be unpublished and the entry window for submissions is open now.

For more information and to submit, visit:

Narrative Magazine New and Emerging Writer’s Prize

Deadline: June 15th | Word Limit: 2,000

Narrative Magazine’s prize is judged by the zine’s editors can be awarded to one or multiple writers. The total prize offering is publication in the magazine alongside a cash prize of $4,000.00, but can split in the event of more than one winner. Additional works may be selected for publication in the magazine, which also offers rate payment depending on the length of the story. Awardees are announced in September and awards are given out sometime in October.

For more information and to submit, visit:

The Sunday Times EFG Short Story Prize

Deadline: Summer/Early Fall|

While details are still forthcoming, the U.K.-based EFG Short Story Award is the richest prize for a single short story in English language publication. The award is open to any novelist or short story writer from around the world. With a top prize of ~$44,000.00, the award is both lucrative and prestigious. In addition, 5 shortlist authors will recieve prizes of ~$1,500.00.

For more information and to submit, visit:

