#blessup #carbsdown

Keto Khaled
Keto Khaled
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2017

An initial disclaimer: I am not DJ Khaled. But I do pretend to be, sometimes. His overwhelming positivity, humor (whether intentional or not), and worldview actually has helped to change my life for the better over the past year. So I’ve decided to adopt bits and pieces of his style and advice. Oh, and another thing…I sort of look like DJ Khaled (with my friend Sia):

So why am I here? Some background info…Even before DJ Khaled’s use of the word they to refer to some group of people that is against you, I never cared much what they had to say (important: they is haters and regulators, not critics. critics have value). But one day, I looked in the mirror and was kind of disgusted with how I looked. I didn’t care about body image or fat shaming or anything else in that moment. I didn’t care about my parents constant nagging to lose weight. I didn’t care about the people who made fun of me as a fat kid. I didn’t care about they. I just didn’t like how big I’d become —near an all-time high in my life at 265 lbs (2/13/17). So I decided to seriously do something about it. They don’t want you to be happy, so be happy.

I still haven’t answered, so why am I here? I decided to start a diet that I knew produced immediate results, and could be transitioned on and off of pretty easily. I was going to try a diet I had discounted in the past, the ketogenic diet. Now, as a lover of all foods and cuisines, this seemed daunting. I was giving up rice, bread, pasta, fruit, some veggies, candy, desserts, and most importantly, BEER. What on earth? Why would anybody do that? Especially when living in one of the best food cities in the world, Philadelphia. I was giving up laffa and hummus, double IPAs, pad thai, Federal Donuts…insanity, they said! Don’t listen to they.

Alright, I really need to get to the point, so let me tell you why I am here. Cooking makes the keto diet easy. I can cook pretty well, or so I’ve been told. I’ve been cooking a lot more with this diet and making some pan-slammin’ dishes that have satisfied me even more than my regular diet. And I’ve lost a lot of weight so far doing it. As of today, I’m at 227, and my mid-July goal was 225. So I’m going to share as many recipes as I can that are keto-friendly, specifically focusing on things that they wouldn’t think could even be keto-friendly. Make they bow down and kneel to your greatness.

Signing off, Keto Khaled

PS. I’m going to be realistic here. Expect a post every week or so. Except the first recipe, that’s coming right up. And I’ll rate them as follows:

Level 1) So easy a stoner could make it
Level 2) Involves some knives and heat, not very difficult
Level 3) “Advanced” techniques or ingredients, but you can do it

