Hero Tractor Driver Saves Town From Fiery Inferno

Avinash Gavai
Ketto Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2018
A still from the video shot by locals on the burning tractor in a village lake.

A 28-year-old groundnut farmer Yenkappa’s one brave act has saved at least 100 homes from burning in Jammanakatti village, Karnataka on November 12, according to recent report by Times of India.

The incident took place when Yenkappa was driving his tractor through a narrow street flanked by several houses, the tractor was carrying 30ft high stacks of hay when sparks from an overhead wire caused the hay to catch fire. Yenkappa could have abandoned the tractor but he drove it into a nearby waterbody with the heat singeing his back. The braveheart’s heroic act saved many lives from being ruined, he is being hailed as a hero.

Yenkappa was just going about his daily business and was driving a tractor carrying a 30-feet stack of hay until it brushed against overhead electric wire. Needless to say, the pile of hay caught fire, which began to spread chaos.

Seeing what was transpiring, the other villages rushed out and tried to extinguish the fire with water buckets and other vessels.

The series of events could have led to tragedy, when you take into account the fact that he was driving through a narrow lane in his village flanked by houses on both sides.

Yenkappa realized he had to act fast to avoid this trail of destruction, and then slammed his tractor’s accelerator, speeding his way into a lake that was at least 500 metres removed from the village homes.

Yenkappa jumped out to safety just before his vehicle hit the lake. Locals in the area used their mobiles to record the entire incident for posterity.

The wrecked tractor was pulled out of the lake using an earthmover from a surrounding village once the fire had been put out.

“I could have escaped to safety, but the tractor would have destroyed several homes and shattered families. I just had to act, and I did,” said the farmer, in an interview with Times of India.

See the video of the incidence below:

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