How Crowdfunding Could Help India’s Education Crisis

Avinash Gavai
Ketto Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2018

Crowdfunding websites enable students to raise money from masses across economic groups, instead of relying on the compassion of a single well-off donor. People from all income groups can donate as much or as little as they like to help students out. Thus, by enabling students to reach out to bigger strata of society in a short span of time, it exponentially enhances the students’ opportunities.

Even though crowdfunding has recently been embraced by Indian students as a tool to fulfill their academic goals, there are many websites that assist students in raising their enormous college / tuition fee from friends, family, social network acquaintances and even strangers. In other words, it bridges the gap between students and donors.

Off late, online crowdfunding for education is garnering more acknowledgement and traction. This can be attributed to the fact that besides increasing a students’ donor pool, it is safe, straightforward and efficient.

There are many ways in which crowdfunding can help in developing the education scenario in India:

Funding Fees

Ideas are generic, they come and go. But the ones which are executed, wins the game. Every crowdfunding platform allows people to execute and grow their ideas into tangible long term goals. Accountability to the public creates a scenario that makes educational pursuits stay on track.

Funding Infrastructure and Resources

Many teachers have come forward and used crowdfunding to save their respective schools and colleges. For instance, the principal of Sikkim Himalayan Academy is raising funds on Ketto to continue providing good education to underprivileged children from remote areas of Sikkim.

Customised Funding for Educational Endeavours:

Ketto allows users to customize their funding according to particular needs and fundraising pages are categorized by need, such as fundraising for sports, travel, or creative projects.

Know about Online Crowdfunding

Online crowdfunding for education is gaining more and more recognition, not only because it’s safe, easy and effective, but also because one can reach a much larger pool of people in far lesser time. Ketto offers a platform to crowdfund for education, not only to students and teachers in need of funds, but to anyone who wants to fundraise for education in the country and the world.

Ketto is one of the best players in the Crowdfunding space

It offers fund raisers with the facility of cash pick-up and allows fund raisers to keep all the money they have raised even if they have not been able to achieve the targets.

Crowdfunding for education reinforces the belief that education shouldn’t be a privilege that is enjoyed by few, but should be accessible to people from all backgrounds. It is a tool that empowers students in their pursuit of an education and a bright future. While crowdfunding is still strengthening its roots in India, it cannot be denied that it is steadily gaining foothold. and revolutionizing the Indian education sector, while doing so. It leaves us with an inkling of the likelihood of kick starting (no pun intended) a revolution of grand proportions.

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