Your Guide To Helping Powerless Animals

Avinash Gavai
Ketto Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2018

Of late, social media has been inundated with shocking incidents of various atrocities committed against animals. There have been inhumane cases of stray dogs being thrown off rooftops and battered without provocation. When such events transpire, they leave animal lovers completely heart-broken and with a want to help.

Being the most evolved and intelligent among the creations, the onus to help these voiceless creatures lies on us.

Little acts of kindness

A couple of hours under the scorching summer sun leaves one dehydrated. It would be unwise to think that the birds and stray animals would feel any different. Keeping a bowl of water on the front porch or in the balcony would go a long way in helping animals in need. Feed the surplus food to the starving animals in your neighbourhood instead of discarding it as trash. Not only will it reduce the quantity of waste, but more importantly, it will satisfy the hunger of someone in need. You can even help an NGO/animal shelter that you support with their activities they carry out on weekends or in your free time.

Adopt don’t shop

Every stray dog deserves a caring and loving home to live in. Instead of buying a foreign breed, adopt a homeless stray, especially the ones that are in dire need of care. Trust us, giving a stray dog a way better life is one of the best feelings in the world.

Raise funds for an animal

Experience the satisfaction of saving an animal’s life by starting a fundraiser for animal rights and welfare. You can raise funds for an ailing animal, an animal that has met with an accident, for feeding stray animals in your area or even to support an NGO that you like. Your contributions will help improve veterinary care for animals that are carrying offspring, are wounded or have been afflicted by some disease.

Ketto & Animal Welfare

Since its inception, Ketto has been a strong proponent of animal welfare in this country. Click on the links below to view crowdfunding projects Ketto has been involved with for saving and helping animals. If you feel inspired, you can perhaps start your own animal rescue project with Ketto as well.

Ketto Blog remains committed to inspiring and compelling social change to India’s most pressing problems through the power of great stories and engaging our audiences to take meaningful action.

