Lest We Forget: The Heroes of 26/11

Avinash Gavai
Ketto Blog
Published in
4 min readNov 26, 2018
A burning Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai during the 26/11 terror strikes

This day in 2008, India’s financial capital, Mumbai, was shocked by a terrorist attack that went on for 4 days. The attack was organized by Lashkar-e-Taiba whose 10 terrorists carried out more than a dozen coordinated bombings and shootings.

As the memory of those fear-filled nights recedes, and our ‘chalta hai’ attitude once again comes to the fore, we are in danger of repeating the mistakes that allowed 10 gunmen to take control of our beloved city for over 60 hours.

Luckily for us, the city has enough reminders of courage, bravery and sacrifice to inspire us and our future generations on a daily basis. We only need to know where to look.

Let’s remember and pay homage to some brave hearts who fought fiercely and laid their lives for the nation.

Hemant Karkare: ATS Chief

Hemant Karkare, the Chief of Anti-Terrorist Squad sacrificed his life while fighting with terrorists near St. Xavier’s College and Rang Bhavan in Mumbai. The terrorists shot thrice Karkare who he died on the spot. Later, the great hero’s act of bravery was acknowledged and honoured with Ashok Chakra on January 26, 2009.

Ashok Kamte: Additional Commissioner of Police

This brave and highly experienced police officer, Ashok Kamte died on the same horrific night of 26/11. He was shot dead during a terrorist encounter and in spite of being hit by multiple bullets, he did not give up and retaliated bravely. His heroic act was honoured with Ashok Chakra on January 26, 2009.

Tukaram Gopal Omble: Assistant Sub Inspector

Tukaram Gopal Omble was an Assistant Sub Inspector and retired army man who played a very important role in catching alive Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab during 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. He sacrificed his life during a face off with the terrorist at Girgaum Chowpatty. The brave heart was later posthumously honoured with Ashoka Chakra.

Vijay Salaskar: Senior Police Inspector and encounter specialist

Encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar encountered around 75–80 criminals. But unfortunately on the night of 26/11, the great policeman was killed while fighting terrorists along with his colleagues Hemant Karkare and Ashok Kamte. Salaskar was later awarded with Ashoka Chakra on January 26, 2009 for his bravery and notable contribution towards the nation.

Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan: National Security Guards (NSG) commando

Major Unnikrishnan, a respected officer of Indian Army sacrificed his life while fighting with Pakistani terrorists on 26/11 inside the hotel Taj. Well, the brave heart was head of the mission Operation Black Tornado and team commander of 51 SAG during the 26/11 encounter. For his heroism, Unnikrishnan was posthumously honoured with Ashoka Chakra in 2009.

People from all walks of life, at all points in the city, stepped up as Mumbai passed through some of its darkest hours to save their fellow citizens and help take the terrorists down. There was also staff at the Taj and Oberoi-Trident hotels, firemen, railway announcers, doctors, nurses, private security personnel, and, of course, the nanny who displayed remarkable, exemplary courage.

We salute them for what they did for humanity through the darkest days of last year.

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