Pinktober Brings Hope for Breast Cancer Patients

Mansha Gagneja
Ketto Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2018

Chhavi was only 22-years-old when one not-so-fine-day her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, again. It felt like déjà vu as a new wave of crippling grief took over their lives. Tenacious and unforgiving, cancer had sneakily invaded into their life and wrecked it completely a few years ago when they first found out about her mother’s illness. Now, it had relapsed and was posing an ominous threat for the second time. With all the saving thoroughly drained in the previous rescue attempt, her family had none to offer the deadly disease in exchange for her mother’s wellbeing.

Dumbfounded and helpless, Chavvi was impatiently searching for anything that could help them aid her mother’s treatment when she stumbled upon crowdfunding. With a glimmer of revived hope, she initiated a campaign and raised the funds for her mother’s care.

Chhavi and her healthy mother

Among several forms of the deadly ailment, breast cancer is particularly devastating and is one of the leading causes of death for women in India.

There are many such instances wherein patients find themselves in complete despondency and hopelessness. If identified at an early stage, it’s a condition that can be controlled, yet, every one out of the two women diagnosed with breast cancer, die of it. The foremost reasons for the grim stats are the lack of awareness and financial incapability.

The month of October is marked to be ‘The Breast Cancer Awareness Month’ or ‘Pinktober’. Countries across the world celebrate it to help increase attention and support for the awareness, early detection, and treatment of this disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been promoting preventive measures. They also recommend early detection strategies for low- and middle-income countries.

The second barrier is access to health services which is a major concern in countries like India where medical insurance penetration is restricted to only higher-income sections of society. In a perplexing situation like this, crowdfunding offers some solace to the agony of the sufferers and their families.

If even a sliver out of a population of a billion expends and contributes towards creating a pool, no one will have to perish due to lack of medical access.

Ketto & Health

An advocate and promoter of good health, Ketto has been partnering to spread awareness as well as fighting the notorious breast cancer. Click below to know more about such fundraisers. You can even start a project to support a cause.

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