Teaming up against Cancer

Mansha Gagneja
Ketto Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2018

Every year millions of people are devastated by the news of a deadly disease. The word cancer has been instilling fear like no other among masses around the globe for the past few decades now. Becoming one of the most dreadful and prevalent of all, it encompasses a group of roughly a hundred different diseases, none of which is curable at the moment. Even though the world over doctors have been working tirelessly day and night to decode the solution, it’s all still in the initial research stages with a long way ahead. Meanwhile, cancer has been wrecking lives and causing health, emotional and financial impact on the patients and their families.

Indian story

On an average, more than 1,300 Indians succumb to the dreaded disease every day. With new cases or its incidence in India estimated to grow annually by 25% by 2020 (according to the cancer registry released by the Indian Council of Medical Research), cancer has become one of the major causes of death in the country.

Additionally, the domestic situation is far more deplorable compared to the global scenario as there are very few centers of expertise and even less sustained funding. Moreover, in a nation like ours, insurance penetration is less than 4 per cent due to which most of the medical aids involve high out-of-pocket expenses. This has a multifold negative impact on the financial situation of any cancer patient. Not just that, we can’t completely ignore the existing loss of productivity due to the disease which adds up to already grave situation.

Source: Indian Express

With a long and uncertain way ahead to the cure for this ferocious beast, how do we tackle and minimize its terror and make it more manageable?

Despite the strenuous efforts and a few commendable schemes initiated by the Central government which offer support to some specific demographic groups, the major section of the society still relies on loans for paying off their medical bills. In a dire situation like this, crowdfunding surely offers some relief. Considering India’s vast population, one of the key measures that can be adopted to manage the cost of cancer treatment is by contributing towards building a pool that can substantially reduce the economic burden of cancer on individuals. With the increasing prevalence of the internet, medical crowdfunding is picking up an unprecedented pace and fundraising can significantly reduce the impact on the financial health of the patients.

Role of Ketto in cancer economics

The growing incidence of cancer in India calls for a collective effort. Click on the link below to find out instances where Ketto has brought solace to the ailing and their families.

Click on the link below to find out instances where Ketto has brought solace to the ailing and their families.

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