Benefits of waking up early

Christopher Noel Meyers
Ketto Blogs
Published in
5 min readJan 25, 2022

Waking up early can be a boon in many ways. While it provides enough time to manage your daily activities, it also provides several health benefits. In India, our elders have emphasized the benefits of waking up early.

Farmers usually wake up early to start their work, and they always remain happy and healthy. Similarly, people who enjoy a walk in the early morning often lead a satisfied and healthy life. Let’s see some of the benefits of waking up before sunrise:

Improves sleep quality

It’s an old saying that getting up early will help you to sleep early. Waking up early not only contributes towards a better sleep cycle but also controls the circadian rhythm.

A circadian rhythm is a natural process that controls your sleeping and waking cycles. A consistent circadian rhythm improves sleep quality by enabling your body and mind to rest deeply at night.

Waking up late might result in sleep issues, and you will feel a lack of energy throughout the next day. You must go to bed early because it will make waking up early easier.

Morning workout

It has been scientifically proven that morning is the best time to exercise and start your day! It might be hard for you to engage in strenuous physical activities right after getting up. However, developing a habit will provide benefits to your mind and body for a long time.

Morning exercises will energize your body and will also make your mind alert and happy. They reduce the health risks by controlling the blood sugar and improving the functions of vital organs. Your heart health will also be improved.

To quickly get into the habit of doing exercises, you can keep an exercise mat, a water bottle, and other exercise equipment ready before going to bed. Some people also tend to sleep with their workout clothes so that they can quickly start exercising the next morning! Waking up early will ensure that you have enough time to warm up and start a happy day!

Controls stress

A healthy sleep cycle minimizes the chances of developing mental issues like stress, depression, and anxiety. Stress affects your life in many ways and makes your body prone to diseases and disorders.

Stress makes you look tired, and you begin to lack motivation while pursuing your dreams. Waking early controls stress and decreases the work pressure by providing you with ample time to fulfill your responsibilities.

Improves productivity

Night owls (people who remain awake for late night hours) get plenty of time to dream but don’t have enough time to turn their dreams into reality. On the contrary, early risers tend to be more productive because they have enough time to plan their day.

It has been observed that people are more productive during the early morning hours (even before sunset) because there is peace all around. Even students can wake up early and start studying at this time in order to remember their lessons better.

There are many mental benefits of waking up early. Your mind is more alert and energized in the morning, which improves your memory and concentration. A peaceful morning might also give birth to new ideas in the minds of creative people such as writers, painters, and actors.

A hearty breakfast

People who get up late don’t have enough time to eat a good breakfast. A hearty breakfast not only energizes your body but also awakens your mind. It helps you to recover quickly from sickness and boosts your immunity.

Not having breakfast or having breakfast at a fast-food corner to avoid wasting time is not a good choice. Fast food contains unhealthy elements and may harm your health and digestion. Nutrition is directly linked with mental health. Therefore, waking up early could be the solution to most of your problems because waking up early will allow you to enjoy a healthy, proper breakfast.

Brahma Muhurta

After reading the scientific benefits of waking up early, let’s see what the Hindu texts have to say about waking up early. “Brahma Muhurta” refers to the period of “90 minutes” before sunrise.

Many Hindu texts believe that “Brahma Muhurta” is the best time to wake up. Sages, saints, and holy men used to wake up at this time. It is because “Brahma Muhurta” was considered to be an apt time for performing rituals, prayers, and meditation.

The benefits of waking up in Brahma Muhurta are immense. Inspiring and path-breaking ideas can come to your mind at this time. Also, by witnessing the early sun rays every day, your health will improve.

Brahma Muhurta is also beneficial for the mind because it helps it to relax. You can wake up early and indulge in gardening, yoga, or any other thing that inspires you to live to the fullest.

Mental benefits

Waking up late can make you feel low in energy. It also makes you feel as if you are lagging behind others. Apart from that, your sleep quality will be affected, which might result in issues like hypertension, depression, and stress.

The mental benefits of waking up early include relief from these mental issues. Moreover, you also feel more aligned with others, which will make you feel positive towards life.

The benefits of waking up early are not just limited to these points. You may explore several other benefits as you start waking up early.

However, not everyone can wake up early. For example, people who work at night shifts have to sleep in the morning. Though their body adjusts to this schedule after some time, their mind and body might become unhealthy. Doctors say that such people should try to get sufficient sleep because less sleep can result in serious health issues.

People dealing with mental issues (like stress) or those recovering from a major ailment or disease may also not be able to get up early. Such people should take rest to recover fully.

Therefore, the benefits of waking up before sunrise are only for those who are physically and mentally fit to wake up early. Those who cannot wake up early can focus on nutrition, exercise, and a positive approach to life.

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Christopher Noel Meyers
Ketto Blogs

“Better content means better business.” I am extremely passionate and up-to-date with developments in digital & social media to leverage best SEO practice.