How to Attract Donors?

Sushant Peshkar
Ketto Blogs
Published in
5 min readFeb 17, 2021

We have gathered a few points to help you attract donors for your donation campaigns or non-profit organisations.

1. The Mobile Way

Provide your donor with an exclusive mobile payment mode. A non-profit organisation needs to set up a website with the latest updates and donation page to direct donors. Make sure to make a mobile-friendly webpage for your donation campaign. This makes the donation process easy and hassle-free.

2. Your Brand Your Vision

Your mission is your vision. Promote your brand in a way that people understand. Design a logo that catches people’s attention. Donors should know that your brand exists and it helps and supports a particular cause. Brief out your vision as to why and how you will fulfil the needs of those who require help.

3. Count Your Traffic

Suppose there are more visitors on your webpage, it’s most likely that you have an attractive website. The webpage should mention each point clearly and simply. A call for action option like getting involved, donating or fundraising campaigns is a must. A simple procedure for a further step is encouraged by donors. They will have an idea to choose from how they will contribute to the cause.

4. Add Meaningful Pictures

“A picture is worth a thousand words.

Add thought-provoking images on your website. Any article with visual art can do wonders. It will help you with donation and fundraising campaigns. Donors will know what and how you carry out these donation campaigns. It also makes it easy for potential donors to understand your activities, and also works as a source for them to be updated with the organization’s work.

5. Stay Truthful

Donors are the most important for any non-profit organisation. They help to run these organisations with their donations. So, remember to stay truthful to them. Share the details of where you spend the money and gifts from the donors. Also, provide them with your past accomplishments with pictures. Show them how their kind donations help people and the cause they support.

6. Have Different Options of Donations

It may not be possible for every donor to contribute the same amount or help. So to resolve this problem, you should provide different levels (as in various or custom amounts) of donation. Additionally, have a dedicated webpage for “Make a Gift,” where donors can donate any amount they wish and can see where the money is getting used.

7. Make the Donation Process a Cakewalk

The donation form on your webpage should be easy to navigate and simple to fill in. Don’t ask too many details of the donors. The donor should not feel that you are trying to keep their data for any further use. A simple process of donating is appreciated.

8. Monthly Donations

It’s called the recurring donation, which allows the donor to donate monthly. Some companies and individuals prefer to pay a monthly donation. This kind of recurring donation will make the process of donation simple for them and you. In this way, you can attract donors to donate on a monthly or yearly basis.

9. Make Them Feel Secure

Be it on any platform. Make sure your donors feel safe while donating their money. To ensure safety, provide a well-encrypted payment gateway. Your webpage should be secure enough to handle vital information like credit card details. No donors would like the idea of having transaction failure. Check your web page regularly for any fraudulent activity.

10. Sign-up for Newsletter

Newsletters are a great way to connect with new and previous donors. It will provide them with details of any activity or updates of your organisation. Ask them to sign-up for email newsletters and inform them about your plans and goals. Keep your donors updated with donation and fundraising campaigns. Make the email newsletters personal (like adding their name) to attract donors. It will add that extra touch, as they will feel happy to donate to such an organisation who takes notice (of their donors).

11. Social Media All the Way

Share your updates like funds collected in your social media handles. For example, if your organisation focuses on planting trees. Then show the donors how many trees you have planted meanwhile. When it comes to the funds (you have collected), then show how much is collected. Show your progress in social media handles. Social media has a role in reaching out to potential donors. So, always keep your social media platforms updated.

12. Provide Tax Benefits

Tax benefits provide certain relief to donors as they receive some tax benefits. A registered non-profit organisation can provide a tax deduction certificate to their donors. It will help both the parties (non-profit organisation and donor). Always, ask the donors whether they require a tax benefit certificate.

13. Gift the Donors

Give back. Present the donors with some gifts like cards on their birthday, free access to your campaign programs, a personal account on your website, some discount coupons, etc. Always acknowledge the donors. Look into possible ways to appreciate their efforts as well. A well-structured organisation grows with great help. So, ensure that your donors feel happy to help and they feel proud to be associated with the organisation.

14. Show Gratitude

After every donation, send a thank you note (make it personal) with a confirmation that you have received the amount. Show gratitude towards your donors. They will feel happy about such small gestures from your side. Be polite and show concern with any matter which they want to follow up. In any event, appreciate their support by honouring them with any badge or certificate.

Being selfless and spreading humanity is our responsibility. Always, look for supporters for your donation campaigns and who is willing to donate with happiness. We hope that we made possible points to attract donors. Make sure you follow these well-curated tips and show gratitude towards your donors.

“Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you can give.” ―Eleanor Roosevelt.

Ketto is an Online Crowdfunding Platform and Website in India for fundraising of Social, Charity, Movies, Music, Personal and Creative causes. Visit our website to know more about us.

