How To Write Captivating Crowdfunding Descriptions?

Sushant Peshkar
Ketto Blogs
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2020
How To Write Captivating Crowdfunding Descriptions?

There is a perfect way to turn a promising idea into a profitable project if you have ever had a great business plan in mind. Still, you have never taken action because of a lack of funds!

Crowdfunding is one of the faster and most cost-efficient ways to achieve it. However, every significant achievement on crowdfunding sites starts with a vivid, intriguing description of the project.

Ketto is one such crowdfunding platform that has shown significant potency in bringing crowdfunding campaign ideas into reality, empowering many to bring their vision to successful completion.

Here are some useful tips to help you write captivating crowdfunding descriptions.

Keep it short and goal specific.

When you can impact your campaign to an online audience in just a few lines, you have a high probability of getting funding for the same.

On a crowdfunding website, content formatting is more critical than you thought. Campaign details can be very lengthy, but then it will bore your audience. You can’t hold the reader’s focus for a long time without proper breaks in between.

Overly wordy and lengthy explanations of crowdfunding seldom engage large numbers of readers.

People don’t like donating money until they’re convinced about a successful contribution.

Therefore, you should write a comprehensive description of the context, background cause, reason to raise funds, and how it will be used.

This way, the contributors will know exactly what they’re contributing, and they’ll be more compelled to donate.

Show the emotion.

No one’s going to be dedicated to your cause if you’re not. Any statement in your explanation of crowdfunding can directly convince readers you care for what you’re doing. This will create confidence and encourage future donors to contribute to support the cause.

Write error-free crowdfunding descriptions.

The major red flag that can interrupt your campaign of crowdfunding is the apparent lack of clarity and proofreading. Grammatical errors make your cause lower and less likely to draw donors.

There are many free grammar check tools available online that can aid you to write captivating crowdfunding descriptions error-free. Some of them are Grammarly, GrammarCheck, EssayRoo, Via Writing, Simple Grad, EasyWordCount, and many more.

Your description writing will make or break your campaign when it comes to crowdfunding. No matter how good you feel or how good you might be at hand, it’s certainly worth taking an extra inch and working on a high-quality crowdfunding description.

Use optimistic words.

A convincing explanation is one of the most critical aspects of any crowdfunding initiative. Doing your description appropriately means bringing a lot of contributors to your project. A specific, optimistic, catchy, well-written story that reflects your enthusiasm will get your reader’s attention and inspire them to contribute to your mission.

Avoid presenting as if you are begging and attracting the audience by being optimistic and concentrating on reflecting your cause in the best possible light. It is clear that you require funds, so you don’t need to mention it throughout.

Do a decent job by convincing people why they can contribute. You’re going to get the donations even without begging.

Add graphics and images.

Images, videos, graphics, and other illustrations will undoubtedly make the content shine. Online fundraising platforms are filled with similar tasks, so you can add photos to stand out, particularly for supporters who scroll through the internet to find something useful.

Never overlook the importance of the graphic, particularly not in fundraising. When you write to a wide range of people, you have to appeal to those who prefer pictures over write-ups, and there are many people of such taste.

Keep it as comfortable as you can.

Ketto is a crowdfunding platform that easily conveys the exact message to the readers with a comprehensive, transparent, and captivating description. So try to make your crowdfunding description as simple as possible. Using buzzwords and flashy language won’t help you get the most exposure from the viewers. Instead, being precise and straightforward will benefit the campaign to look more compelling.

Be brief and to the point — the right supporters will indeed turn to your cause without you having to justify your goals or objective in detail.

Consider a story approach.

Ketto has observed over the years that promotions that pursue a story-based approach are more compelling than the conventional summary style. A storytelling overview gives ideas about the project as a whole. Taking the initiative for a crowdfunding campaign, it is crucial to let the audience know why you need the donations and your campaign’s story.

For people to part with their money, more than a call to action is needed. It calls for empathy, and a good story calls out our instinctual capacity to be empathetic.


Writing captivating crowdfunding descriptions is much clearer when you write it from the viewpoint of your audiences. The more queries you address in your presentation, the higher your possibility of having supporters for your cause.

With several successful campaigns run by Ketto, it has been evident to us that a substantial aspect of the accomplishment of the crowdfunding campaign lies in writing captivating descriptions. It’s the way you’re presenting your mission that makes it stand out.

